I am a 31 yr old female Diabetic for 16yrs14weeks post-op and 12 weeks pregant,

Has any one out there experinced this situation? Will I make it through the full term The hardest part right now is I still might miscarrie I wanna know who has or hasen't the problem in my area is no one this soon out has gotten pregant and also I forgot I am also diabetic for 16 yrs to.    — Jennie A. (posted on August 15, 2002)

August 15, 2002
There is a website designated for WLS pregnant women. I would link into that web page and get all the info you can. I linked in and everyone seems to be doing just fine. There is someone on the message board that had a baby recently and she found she was pregnant when she went for her 5month WLS check up. Everything went well for her. The only thing that went wrong was that they told her she was having a girl and she had a boy! What a surprise. If I find her name I'l email you back. But I believe if you scroll thru the message board to the beginning of the month you will find a posting from her surgery page (her sister posted)When I read this I was compelled to open up the profile. Anyway I want to have more children and I'm just feeding myself with all the info I can.
   — Pamela D.

August 15, 2002
Jennie I forgot to give you the website. Here it is: [email protected]
   — Pamela D.

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