For Educational Purposes...Please read the memorial on Ginger Brewster

on the memorial page. This is not to frighten anyone, but it is important information for those that have or suspect they have sleep apnea as to how vital it is to be tested and treated prior to surgery. Comments are welcome on my e-mail.    — Hackett (posted on August 1, 2002)

August 1, 2002
how do I get to her page?
   — Valerie H.

August 1, 2002
I haven't read it yet, but here's the link.
   — Becky H.

August 1, 2002
To get to Ginger Brewster's story go to and click on Ginger Brewster's name.
   — Hackett

August 1, 2002
This is a tragic story...the thing that amazes me most is that no sleep apnea study was required/done for her WLS approval, especially with her already being diagnosed. I really thought that was SOP. Anyway, her friend wrote a touching memorial, and I am sorry that she and Ginger's family have suffered this loss.
   — rebeccamayhew

August 1, 2002
what a tragic story of a needless death....
   — bob-haller

August 1, 2002
It is so sad to see someone gone over such a fixable problem. You did a very nice job writing about your friend
   — paulsgirl

August 1, 2002
Susan thank you for your insightful and compassionate comments on Ginger's history. It does answer a lot of questions regarding obesity and sleep apnea. It also re-enforces how important it is for us to research, research, then research some more before having this surgery. I hope anyone reading the great memorial you wrote for your dear friend comes away feeling abit more informed and educated. I am sorry for your loss,
   — Nene B.

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