Dr. said I should STOP taking Birth Control before surgery?

I called my Dr. to find out if I should continue to get my monthly injections of Lunelle the month before my surgery. I was informed by the physician's assistant that I should not get the injection the month prior to surgery because it can increase my risk of clotting. Now I'm afraid of blood clots. I have read on this website that most Dr's. encourage their patients to stay on birth control prior, during and after surgery. Has anyone had similar experiences? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!    — JM B. (posted on July 30, 2002)

July 30, 2002
Well I have heard the opposite of you. I was told to discontinue my birth control pill 6 weeks prior to surgery and not to resume it until about 6-8 weeks after surgery because the hormones THIN your blood and can cause you to bleed more during surgery. Plus I received a version of heparin (blood thinner) in the hospital and for the next 7 days after surgery to PREVENT clotting. Too much of a good thing can be bad though and I made it very clear I did NOT want a blood transfusion unless I was going to die without it, so I stopped the worried. Good luck .
   — Paula Prichard

July 30, 2002
I had to stop my BC pills 4 weeks prior to surgery and stay off 8 weeks post of 12 weeks off. It is to reduce the chance of blood clots. There is something about hormonal birth control that increases your risk of blood clots. I was miserable about it...but I did it :0) Good luck!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

July 30, 2002
Janelle, Birth control can cause Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in a healthy person. The risk is increased by surgery which carries its own risk of DVT. I know doctors are split on this decision, and it boils down to personal preference on their part. I do highly urge you to get a reliable form of birth control to use now and post op until you can start your injections again. With such a rapid loss and the possibility of needing x-rays, really don't want a pregnancy too soon post op. {{HUGS}}
   — Tina B.

July 30, 2002
My surgeon required me to stop taking my birth control pills 4 weeks prior to my surgery. I was able to restart them a month after surgery. She warned me that I must also use another form of protection (beside the b.c. pills) for the next year until my hormones become regulated enough for the pills to work alone. I sure don't want any surprises! ;o)
   — Jennifer A.

July 30, 2002
Well, my ob/gyn and the internist at the clinic that is doing my surgery gave me conflicting information. My ob/gyn told me to go off of them three weeks before and then restart after about 6 weeks due to blood clots. (He actually told me they advise any patients that are having elective surgery the same thing) The internist at BTC told me to stay on them because I could not get pregnant. I followed my ob/gyn's advice. I don't think the internist ever really got the idea that I was using it for my cycle, not as birth control. Frankly, I didn't want blood clots and I figured for this situation my ob/gyn would know best. Hope this helps!
   — Tiffany D.

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