I start school ( I teach) in less than 3 weeks and in need of a few outfits.

Hi all. I will be starting school (I teach) next month and need a few outfits. I hate to purchase new outfits, as I will only be at work for one month before surgery (Sept 13th). I will be out at least 4 weeks, and feel certain that I will have lost some weight before returning. I would appreciate any ideas to help that you are able to extend my way. I am 5'7 and wear a size 20-22 pants and a 22-24 blouse...... The clothing exchange hasnt worked for me. As always many thanks and God Bless. Kimmie    — Kimberly B. (posted on July 27, 2002)

July 27, 2002
Kimmie, I would suggest checking resale shops. Though the ones in my area are more expensive than shopping sales at the larger department stores. Also try the Goodwill or thrift stores in your area. I am just starting to loose, everything is baggy, but still have some social obligations I would like to look decent for. My daughter and I spent about an hour, and $10.00, and came out with a pair of jean shorts for me, a nice pair of Gap shorts, a jean skirt, and TH blouse for her. All in great condition. I hope this helps. Take care,
   — Nene B.

July 27, 2002
Kimmie, Try consignment shops. they are great! And since you can still wear summer like clothes thru your surgery date, the summer sales at department stores are really hot right now. I was at Macy's today and everything I bought was 65% off and along with my 15% off coupon..well, lets just say, I had fun!
   — Cindy R.

July 27, 2002
   — KENYA M.

July 28, 2002
Hey: THRIFT STORES ALL THE WAY !!!! I have SO MANY cute clothes and people are always asking me where I get all of my cute outfits...I shopped 2 weeks ago and it was a discount day..I got 5 outfits for just a little under $9. When they get too big, I take them back and get a tax deduction receipt, or save them for my friends that are soon to be post op....I have fallen in love with thrift stores....oh yea...just an added note..I am a total LABEL SHOPPER...even at a thrift store, I only buy good name labels such as GAP...They are so easy to find...
   — Joi G.

July 28, 2002
I am a teacher also, I have been buying skirts/tops/dresss at Walmart. I only wear them for 1 month or so. But no one knows.... Also I bought really great jeans ( already worn in) at a Thrifty shop for $3. All you have to do is take time and look. I know we don't make much $ and it's hard to spend our $ on something will only use for a few weeks. I am also lucky that I have a friend who was 100# more than me, and as I get smaller I give her my clothes, and she looks forward to getting them every 2 months or so. So I don't feel so much a waste of $. Really you can throw together an outfit at Walmart for around $25. Good Luck!
   — Cindee A.

July 28, 2002
Hi Kim! I'm a guidance counselor, had surgery over Feb. vacation. I saved money and spent about $200 when I dropped 2-3 sizes. Found that most of my clothes could get me through 2 sizes, so I would jump. I jumped from a 24 to an 18/20, now I'm buying 16s. I did do eBay, clearance racks (I always do!), and bought stuff that would be adjustable - ties in the back, elastic, etc. Seemed to help. I didn't want to be buying only used clothes, wanted to splurge a bit on some really great new stuff too. I'm 5 months post-op now, and I've done one major shopping trip and a few minors. Also, don't forget cheap things - like t-shirts at Wal-Mart or Target, that could go with a skirt or pair of pants that you already have or can buy. And I also wear my "staples" (pants, skirts) 2x per week, with different tops, and accesories. No one even notices. I hope this helps, good luck!!! =) Sarah
   — Sarah C.

July 28, 2002
All I have to say is....GARAGE SALES!! I love them. A few weeks back I found a LOT of clothes in various sizes and spent a total of $14. So just about every weekend I go garage-saling. You just have to look at the stuff closely. Please will try to sell the worst stuff, and then I've found realy nice things for a dollar or two. Good luck!
   — Christine L.

July 28, 2002
I agree with Christine (below) I got my entire wardrobe from garage sales. It wasn't so painful paying 50 cents for a shirt and then growing out of it. I got some of the best stuff (you can be picky) at garage sales. I always negotiate the prices even if it's affordable. I decide what it's really worth to me and then ask for 1/2 of the price, they usually are willing to "get rid of it" and bargain with you. I buy all of my winter clothes in the spring and summer clothes at the end of the summer (at stores) for the BEST bargains. I NEVER pay full price for anything and nobody would ever know.
   — ZZ S.

July 28, 2002
Have you looked to see if there is a local WLS support group in your area? I have gotten lots of great stuff from people at mine (and given away lots too)!
   — sheltie

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