I have a lot of discomfort after drinking water

I am going on my 2nd week post op and have been having trouble drinking most fluids.I am sipping from a glass and am not using a straw but seem to be trapping a lot of air in the pouch which is very uncomfortable. I find it is the most severe when drinking water. I have tried several different beverages and find the colder something is the less discomfort I have; juices and milk seem to be the best. I am still on a soft diet and have no discomfort when eating soft foods. Is this unusual? How long will this last? Any suggestions?    — Kim B. (posted on April 6, 2002)

April 6, 2002
Yes, I had It bad, try boiling your water first, then I bought a small juice box with a sipper on it, so when you sip there is less air going in. I am 4 weeks post-op and I have no more pain when drinking
   — KIM O.

April 6, 2002
I am having the exact same problem!! I am 2 1/2 weeks post-op. It seems so illogical that water would be the most offensive. I love water and am really missing it.
   — jm3218

April 6, 2002
How does water TASTE? I had problems with water, too, whereas other liquids were not painful. You might want to pursue an EGD and have it checked. Mine was marginal ulcer, which is easily fixed with meds if caught early.
   — vitalady

April 7, 2002
i also had this problem until about 3 months out (4 months next week and down 94lbs) you might want to try to find an ice shaver and freeze some crystal light or whatever you drink. i found it much easier to 'suck' down my liquid in frozen form then to sip. i also drink much better WITH a straw then without. my dr also recommended any liquid without caffeine is good as long as you are getting in your fluids. good luck and keep sipping.
   — ann M.

April 7, 2002
I also have been having a hard time getting my water in, it makes me feel nauseated - and I was drinking an average of a gallon a day of water prior to surgery. I am 3 1/2 week post-op and I may have found the solution that I found on this Q&A board earlier. I went to Wal-Mart and bought distilled water. I have already drank 3- 16 oz. glasses at room temperature and it seems to be working! This might help you! Good Luck!!!!! Trish
   — Patricia H.

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