Farting Like a Drunking Sailor LOL...
I'm 2 1/2 weeks post op and I fart like a MAN. LOL.. I even wake up in the middle of the night and fart. These farts don't seem normal.. they are long and loud.. Anybody experience this? — Sandy M. (posted on February 20, 2002)
February 19, 2002
I have heard that if you had a distal rny , you do let off gas alot and
have really smelly bm. Not sure which surgery you had. Good Luck and hold
your none.
— [Anonymous]
February 19, 2002
Oh yeah! I remember those days. lol!
I think they lasted only a couple of months. I have five cats and you
should have seen all the heads pop up and look around wide eyed in surprise
as the sonic booms rippled through the house. "I" smelled like a
walking litter box for while. I'm sure the cats expected to get blamed for
that. lol! :)
— Danmark
February 20, 2002
I had a proximal RNY and "tooting" as we delicately call it in my
family, hasn't been a problem for the most part. But there have been times
when I've had pain from trapped gas and so welcomed that wonderful, long
release LOL. My kids think its a riot because nothing in the world is
funnier than gas at their ages and my husband just shakes his head, as if
to say "And you complain about ME!" Hey, if this is the price I
pay to lose my excess weight, so be it.
— [Anonymous]
February 20, 2002
Ahem... I also had this problem, LOL! Doc recommended Gas-X, it worked
like a charm! Good Luck!
— DonnaCarol
February 20, 2002
HAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA Daniel you nearly made me wet my Huggies. I have 3 cats
and even pre-op I can surely get their attention. My youngest kitten - a
gorgeous sealpoint - runs like the devil is chasing her when one of us
"fluffs". My son calls it "barking spiders."
— Vicki H.
February 20, 2002
I can certainly feel for you on this one -- I'm 7 weeks post-op and am
still suffering with this problem. I have a hubby and 2 kids who act like
farting is a recreational sport! Lately it seems I've been elevated to the
status of "fart queen" with the kids. LOL! I find if I'm going
out somewhere, taking a Gas-X or some simethicone liquid (Mylicon -- in the
infant section) certainly "quiets" things down for a while. Good
— Pam S.
February 20, 2002
I will tell my infamous story yet again...mine were so bad, and because
they were SBD (Silent But Deadly) and I can't smell my own for the most
part, I had no clue until the plant manager came to my office and
sheepishly said people were complaining and could he please install an
exhaust fan in my office, which he did, right over the back of my chair!
Just out of curiousity, how many different other names are there for
farting? Fluffs, barking spiders, floating air biscuits, stepping on
ducks, making a windy, tooting, launching air torpedos, etc. Of course the
standards of passing gas and passing wind are way too mundane and who the
hell knows where 'flatulence' came from? If you ever want to read
something funny ask your doctor for his Merck Medical Manual and read the
section on flatulence. They draw the distinctions of type such as the
tympanic "beating drum", vs., the silent slider (snuck out in an
elevator) and those pleasantly pondered in solitude. Any others out there?
God, I need a life and to get back to work...
— merri B.
February 20, 2002
Merri - My mother used to refer to them as "shooting bunnies".
Don't ask - I have no idea how that came about. LOL Now when men go
rabbit hunting, it takes on a whole new meaning!!!!
— Katy B.
February 21, 2002
My brother used to make me laugh so hard...whenever anyone farted he'd bow
and say "Speak again Oh Toothless One"
— Karen B.
February 22, 2002
Hey...I did not know Drunken Sailors farted! hmmmm I guess I can picture
I remember my kids when camping used to gather around the campfire and try
to lite their farts with a match...god I hated that stupid activity! Well
based on 10 days post op, I would fuel a small vehicle with mine! Hey but I
am kind of enjoying it...they dont smell at all and it gives me a powerful
feeling!....just teasing...I assume it is from having the LAP procedure.
Doesnt bother me.
— Joelle B.
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