Does anyone know whether or not BTC gives restaraunt cards

Or do you have to ask for them?    — Samitra D J. (posted on January 19, 2002)

January 19, 2002
I just wanted to mention here that I have asked to order off the senior menu many times & have never been refused. I don't order off the children's menu cuz I usually don't want their choices, but the senior foods are usually much of the same choices, just smaller amounts. I don't THINK I look like I'm that old! :)
   — Kathy W.

February 8, 2002
I am having RNY at the Univesity of Iowa. I asked them about a card, and they said that they do not give them out. Simply because most of the food on the childrens menu is fried, and very bad for you. They do not want you to get those bad eating habbits right off the gate. My Dr. suggests just ordering a side dish, and taking a few bites from my husbands plate!
   — Mary Beth M.

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