30 weeks pregnant not gained a pound. Is baby's weight ok?

I am very worried that my baby is going to be a very low birth rate and I can't find enough info. And my OB has never had a patient with a Gastric Bypass so he says that I am his test patient. Anyone had baby post. How was the babys weight?    — Daina N. (posted on January 2, 2002)

January 2, 2002
Shouldn't your ultrasounds and measuring of your stomach be a tell tale of what the babies size is for your doctor and yourself? How far postop are you? If you are still in the "weight loss phase", then perhaps your body is losing fat, but the baby is still gaining. You didn't say that you were losing weight. I haven't had a child, and am only three months postop, but my mother was overweight when she had me, and only gained three pounds or so, but I was an average weight baby. Good luck.
   — Jennifer P.

January 2, 2002
daina i hope i have a satisfactory answer for u. i started my family 28 years ago b.g.p. (before gastric bypass lol) i had 3 very healthy pregnancies & not only never gained a pound thru them but i LOST weight each time. i averaged 12 to 16 lb losses with each. & i never felt better in my life. my first & last babies were of normal size. my 2nd baby was low birth weight but i had a terrible bout of bronchitis the last 4 weeks & was sick as a dog. still she weighed over 6 lbs. today she is 27 & a tiny little girl, 115 lbs 5'2". i was so scared with the first pregnancy & weight loss but my md (back then we didnt always use ob/gyn) assured me all was well & that fetuses r parasites & eat off the mothers body. as long as i took my prenatal vits & ate well the baby would be just fine. & he was right!!! all 3 of my children r well & healthy ages 28, 27 & 19. & SMART!! honest! my 2 boys have genius iq's & my daughter has a high above average iq. take good care of urself & u will be taking good care of ur baby. take ur vits. eat healthy. try to avoid crowded places where germs run amok. by the way...after my first boy was born i had lost a total of 34 lbs from day of delivery to day of discharge! lolol. my mom had to bring me her clothes to wear home cause mine were way too big. take care sweetie & lots of luck with the new baby.
   — sheryl titone

January 2, 2002
Hi, I haven't had a baby post op, but 4 before, and even though your doc may have not had a Gastric bypass patient before, your ultrasounds should be able to tell you the size and weight of your baby. I had a baby 18 months ago, and three days before her birth, they told me she was going to be over 21 inches long and about 9 lbs , 12 ounces, they were right on the money, yes she was a big baby LOL
   — [Anonymous]

January 2, 2002
I had my daughter pre-op, but I only gained 10 pounds the entire pregnancy. She weighed 8 and with the placenta and all the fluid I had retained, I left the hospital 2 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight. She was healthy and no problems. Eat the right foods and let your body take care of it. If your body says to eat, then eat. The baby will take what it needs--you will probably suffer before the baby does. Congrats to you and good luck with your new baby!
   — ctyst

January 2, 2002
I dont know if this means anything but can your surgeon and OB work together. One can help the other keep your progress on track. My surgeon, pcp, gyn and pulmonologist (who is treating me with my lungs and clotting situation) all work together and see all my test results to ensure they are all on the same page. I had blood clots in my lungs and that has delayed my hysterotomy for at least 6 months but all my doctors know how my progress is going. I Like that they are all updated and conferring with each other as needed. I think your surgeon would be a great help to your OB doctor with understanding your nutriental situation. Just a thought??
   — Gwen M.

January 3, 2002
I had my babies pre-op, but never gained weight with them and they all came out with average + birth weights. Make sure your protein intake is nice and high.. that will help w/ birthweight (I use to use protein shakes), and keep taking your vitamins. The ultra sound should be able to tell if your baby is growing normally.
   — mom2jtx3

January 3, 2002
I'm still pre-op, but have has two children. With my first I gained 60 lbs. With my second I LOST 18 lbs. My first was 8.10 and my second 7.8. I was happy he was smaller! But he was still a good birth weight. Good luck to you!
   — Goldilauxx B.

January 2, 2003
Hi! Happy New Year! I am also pregnant(21 weeks)and have just recently gained like 6 pounds. I didnt gain anything except for this last month. I was so scared about not gaining with this baby(I gained way to much with my first, 80 lbs!) that I started eating when I wake up in the middle of the night.(like a bannana and a piece of cheese) My doctor is very unconcerned and has only taken my bood and urine once this whole time(last month after I went into his office last month and bitched up a storm!) I take my prenatal vitamin, and a b12 shot (once a month). I just read an article saying that the pre natal vitamin should be taken in addition to your normal multi vitamin, not in place of it! So now I am also very concerned about the welfare of my baby! My stomach is this tiny lump compared to all the other women in my doctors office that are with the same due date as I am! If you find out anything please let me know. There really isnt to much info out there I have been on the web looking for hours and its all repetative stuff, no actualy people documentin thier pregnancy post op. Well I hope all goes well with you and your baby, take care and let me know if there is anything I can help you with!!!!!
   — marsmaiden74

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