Why am I getting my period so frequently?
I am almost four months post-op, down 65lbs, and for the past month, I have had my period like 4 or 5 times! It will stop for a day and then start up again for a day or 2...or sometimes a week. I called my Dr, and she told me to take a home pregnancy test and I was negative. She said that it might just be that I am losing a lot of weight very quickly and that my body is in shock. My periods used to be irregular...what's up? Has this happened to anyone else? — [Anonymous] (posted on October 12, 2001)
October 12, 2001
I am 48 years old and before my surgery last year I only got my period
once, maybe twice a year. Since the surgery I have had it EVERY month!!!!!
— Helen C.
October 12, 2001
I too had this problem after surgery. Before I was always on schedule
every 28 days almost to the HOUR! After surgery (4/17/01)I had it just
about every two weeks. It has only been the last couple of times that it
has started to space out again. My PCP told me it was just my body trying
to get back on track after the shock of surgery.
— Virginia N.
October 12, 2001
I have been getting my period every 3 weeks--its driving me crazy. I never
related it to surgury I thought maybe menopause had started!
— Laura R.
October 14, 2001
Diddo here. I used to be very irregular pre op, only getting my period
every other month or so. Now post op I am also getting my period every 3
— Gina L.
October 14, 2001
Happens to me, too. I'm on Depo-Provera and hadn't had a period in two
years because of it. Now I get them really often, and they last a long time
(how much does that suck?). I was also told that my newly irreverant
periods are due to the trauma of surgery and weight loss, and all the nifty
little hormone fluctuations that go with it. I've been assured that after
my weight remains stable for a while, things should go back to normal.
Thing is, no one ever told me how long "a while" is. So I bought
stock in Tampax and got on with my life. ;^)
— Suzanne B.
October 15, 2001
I too am having problems with my period. I am 10mos post-op and have lost
145lbs. I have been on Miconor
(progesterone only pill) to regulate my periods messed up by my
morbid obesity. My early August period lasted 21 days so my GYN took
me off of them. My late September one seemed normal but one week
after I stopped I started again. My GYN already did an endrometrial
biopsy and now is thinking D & C. I think it is just my hormones
are out of wack and I will just have to live with it until it
straightens out. If anyone else has had this similar problem let
me know what you did about it if anything??
— firefly1955
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