I have read everything that I can, but what are my steps to getting started and how?

This topic scares me to death, but if I am to remain alive, I need help in getting started. I need something written down for me to follow as a guideline. Plus I need the emotional push and support. Thanks.    — Sherri R. (posted on October 8, 2001)

October 8, 2001
well the first thing did was read everything i could about the surgery and found out if my insurance company covered it.. and then i made up my mind that i was going to do and i found doctor.. i was blessed cause my doctor has info meetings every week i went one.. i met him and staff and knew this was the doctor for me.. at the info meeting the dr told everything i needed to do and gave me a packed(EVERY DOCTOR IS DIFFERENT)one thing u need to know is do EVERYTHING the dr tells u.. it will go much faster if u do that.. have all the paperwork.. u dont know how many women dont do that.. and that have to wait months..
   — Tabitha K.

October 8, 2001
Many surgeons require that you attend a lecture or seminar. This is a great starting place because you can learn what that particular surgeon does. This website has steps you can go through to help with finding a surgeon, I believe it's the first link "your journey" at the top of most of these pages. Also, I recommend you read the Q/A and message board here regularly just to see what people are going through. Also use the database to do searches for answers to all your questions as they come up. There are other webstites that are helpful too. If you need a little help finding all those things, email me, I'll walk you through it. I say start the process and see where it takes you, you can always back out if you change your mind along the way. Nobody will push you to do this before you're ready.
   — kcanges

October 8, 2001
Buy a book, barb thompson has a great one. Attend some support group meetings, see the before pictures and listen to the folks. Invite a post op to dinner, note they eat healthy in small quanties. Read the profile updates here of how folks are doing. What your feeling is normal, I was scared silly and figure I was dead with or without surgery. I was honestly surprised to wake up in recovery and have done great. Read my profile it describes my confusion and post of activities. I feel like a teenager!
   — bob-haller

October 8, 2001
I know how you are feeling. It is perfectly normal to be nervous. You seem like you have done your research and the question you feel comfortable with what you have learned and about the permanant lifestyle changes you will need to make. If so you need to find a good surgeon in your area and start with a consultation. See how you feel after that, I know my Dr. had me get mental clearance from a therapist before surgery maybe talking with someone will help you to clear up your fears and make the decision. All I can say is this is the best thing I have ever done for myself. Im 7 wks out and 44 lbs down its unimagainable! It could be you too! All the best. Feel free to email me if you need further support! Melissa
   — Melissa S.

October 11, 2001
There are not that many steps. 1. Make sure you're willing to do your part and this is what you really want. 2. See your doctor/PCP ( if you're and HMO) if not find a bariaritric they will take it from there and help you w/ what you need. 3. Get approved by insurance ( many think this is the hardest part! 4. Stay on this website for support/anwers. That's bascially it in a nutshell.
   — Cindee A.

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