Has anyone with a seizure disorder had wls?

I wonder how you feel, because right now I cannot take any kind of diet pills or ephedrine products and every time I go on a diet or workout a lot I seem to have an increase in seizures. If anyone has had the surgery with this disorder I would like to know if you have had an increase and if so what does your neurologist do to combat this?    — Princess J. (posted on October 1, 2001)

October 2, 2001
Hi. I don't know if I can help you much. I was only diagnosed with a seizure disorder almost a year ago, at 29 yrs. old. Just out of the blue I had a seizure 10/24/00 and then I got another one (both were grand mal) 2 months later, in Dec. That's when they diagnosed me with seizure disorder and prescribed Dilantin long term. After EEG's, MRI, CAT scans, ultrasound (of arteries in neck), loads of bloodwork, etc., they couldn't find any cause for the seizures. So I'm left with a big diagnosis of seizure disorder and no explanation. That really bugs me. I want to know WHY!! But anyway, I feel OK. Not completely wonderful, but OK. I'm feeling dizzy & stuff, but I don't know if that's neurological or if it's something related to surgery. I had open distal RNY on May 21, 2001. I had no seizures or anything during or after surgery. In fact, I haven't had a seizures since last Dec. They gave me dilantin in hospital thru I.V. I also had no problem with the Valium, anesthesia, morphine, and any other junk they gave me in the hospital. As for diet pills you mentioned, you won't need that stuff after surgery. Ephedrine I believe is dangerous for your heart...unless is that for your seizure disorder? I'm new to this seizure stuff so I don't know :-) Exercise doesn't bother me, except I do feel kind of dizzy when I'm done. But I haven't had any seizures from exercise. Not yet at least. I don't know how severe your seizure disorder is. Maybe mine is mild. It's all a mystery to me. I don't even know why I had the seizures in the first place. But my neurologist OK'ed the surgery and he said to continue to exercise and do whatever my surgeon asks me to do. I guess if I have another seizure, then they'll see what changes need to be made. So this is my experience, but since we're all individual, your experience may be different. Talk to your neurologist about it & see what his insight is, based on your individual circumstances. I hope everything works out for you.
   — lalasmommy

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