Is there any danger in not having a second dilation done?

I had lap rny in November of 1999. I have lost 195 lbs. Last Nov, I started vomiting alot and having pain when I ate. I had an upper GI, and it was determined that my opening was 6 cm instead of 12 cm. I had a EDG and dilation in March of this year. The next week, I was throwing up again, especially with meat, pasta, rice which steadily got worse. I was scheduled to go in tomorrow and have this done again, but cancelled because I have learned to eat around this problem and can live with throwing up a few times a week. Is there any long term danger in not having this procedure done again? Dr. said you need to do it, then again in two weeks and then sometimes again. I don't want to be able to eat large amounts of food again. Although this is painful, it keeps me from eating past a few bites of food. I just don't want to have to keep going through this dilation process. 5'9" Pre op 315 lbs. Present 120 lbs.    — Rhonda D. (posted on August 13, 2001)

August 13, 2001
I would do what my dr. recommended it could be something that is not connected w/ your surgery my friend got sick and had an infection please be careful again, my mom always said, better to get it over early while they can "fix" it and wait too long...jacki
   — Jackiis

August 13, 2001
<font color=blue>Be honest w/your Dr. and talk about your concerns. I have attened three different support groups and have met people who have had dilitations (or dilations) serveral times. It shouldn't increase the quantity of food you can intake.. it just helps w/ the openening or so that was my understanding.</font>
   — Dawn R.

August 13, 2001
I have had 3 dilitations..and am having my third on has progressively helped..but not as much as I had hoped...I am crossing my fingers that this is the last one...surgeons also said that it is not unusual to have it done 4-5 times....good luck
   — mjvallee

August 13, 2001
Dangers? You can dehydrate. Vomiting frquently is not normal. Even though we don't have the acid we once did, the reverse action in the esophagus ROUTINELY can cause major, irrerversible damage. The fact that you didn't go stenotic til so late makes me nervous, in that it could tighten again. He doesn't have to blow it wide open, but wide enough to maintain normal dietary needs. Or you will go short in some elements and you really do not want to go there.
   — vitalady

August 13, 2001
i dont want to be rude but your BMI is currently in the 17th... witch mean your are kind of too thin as normal bmi's are ranging between 18,5 and 24 have this dilatation and do not fear to eat unless you'll become anorexic... kinf of a paradoxe when you think that you were once obese...
   — [Anonymous]

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