what is normal wt loss for BPD surgery?

What is the normal amount of weight loss for BPD surgery? i lost 20 pounds the first 2 weeks and now nothing for a week and have done nothing different. I dont understand why i am not losing still...does anyone know the average wt loss per month for this type of surgery? everyone says it's not as fast as the other surgeries but it's more reliable long term...any info would be appreciated..    — BARBARA R. (posted on June 20, 1999)

June 20, 1999
About 3 weeks postop, I went on a plateau where I did not lose even a pound for 12 days. I was eating less than 500 calories a day and yet did not lose a pound!!!! Don't worry, your body can't hold on to that precious fat forever and sooner or later it will have to spring loose with it. After I got back to losing, I am losing about 4 pounds a week.
   — Deborah L.

June 20, 1999
I lost about 30 lbs in the first three weeks and then stopped losing for a couple of weeks. It will happen for you as well. Do Not cut your food intake in fact I'm told by a very successful weight loser to eat more for the body to give up the fat. Are you still on a liquid food plan? Do take in as much as you can of what the doctor has told you that you need? Good Luck.
   — Judy B.

June 20, 1999
RELAX- BPD has the highest weightloss success rate. I lost 23 lbs the first two weeks and then I stopped keeping track unless I was at a doctors appointment. I have lost 193 lbs in 1 year and 7 months. I have been maintaining my weightloss for 11 months. You have to realize everyone loses at different rates, but keep in mind that you will lose but watching the scale makes it go slower!!! Good luck. Allison
   — Allison Mupas

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