Here is another web site support group that gets alot of traffic and provides excellent answers and subject obesity    — Lisa B. (posted on December 12, 1998)

February 8, 1999
Mediconsult has a new URL:
   — Linda T.

March 16, 1999
Yes! You can go to and use the search terms obesity surgery, gastric bypass, and the like and loads of support groups will pop up for you to choose from. The volume is extreamly high so when you subscribe, choose the digest version. (it's totally free) Then you can check out Yahoo Clubs. Click it on and enter the search term obesity surgery and they also have a support group. Not as much traffic as but good none the less. I have heard that there is another one at [email protected] but I haven't had the time to check them out yet.
   — Michelle T.

June 6, 1999
This is a fantastic website that explains all types of wls in detail..
   — Allison Mupas

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