Has anyone dealt with the spritual aspect of having surgery?

Such as, changing how we were made?    — Kathy R. (posted on April 10, 2004)

April 9, 2004
My grandma used to say, God helps those who helps themselves. Would you ask this question about say Cancer? I firmly believe God put us here with the free will and capability to fix things like this. WLS works very well and saved both the lives of me and my wife. So we can remain here on earth doing good for others. Yesterday we both helped a friend with a puppet minestries inner city program and easter egg hunt. For the kids in the projects this was probably the only church they got for this easter. Without having lost the weight we could of never done that it would of been physically impossible:( <P> I encourage you to get the surgery and then give back something whenver possible to help others. I do that by being a moderator volunteer here, and help my friend with princepuppets. Might as well make a difference here while I can. HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!
   — bob-haller

April 9, 2004
We were made naked, yet we choose to clothe ourselves. We may have been born with defective eyesight or hearing, yet we choose to wear corrective lenses or hearing aids. People pierce ears, eyelids, bellybuttons, tongues and other areas I rather not mention. People have surgery to correct defects that they were born with...and so on and so on and so on. <p> Aren't any of these things changing the way that God made us? God gave my surgeon the skill to perform this surgery and the desire to help his fellow man. Who am I to say that my weight-loss surgery was not part of God's plan - a plan that God has had for each and every one of us since long before we existed on this earth - indeed, since time immemorial....JR
   — John Rushton

April 9, 2004
Personaly I dont think this surgery is any differant than having your gallbalder out, open heart surgery, hearing aids,glasses...My mother-in-law gave me the "your changing what God made" speach, and I asked her about her getting the stent in her heart, and without the stent she would be dead. I said this saved your life, this surgery will save mine. I think you would have to go far to find a "religous Person" that would question weather it would be against God to have a corinary bypass, so what is the differance for a gastric bypass, there just rearrangeing the plumbing :0)to help us have a better life. As for myself, the moment I awoke from surgery I Thanked GOD, for allowing me to have this life saving surgery and seeing me through it saftly. Quote "If God leads you to it, he will bring you through it"! I hope you find the answer your looking for, good luck in your journey.
   — wizz46

April 9, 2004
I personally thank God everyday of my life for hearing the prayers of so many people like me who needed HIS help in getting started on a healthier life. I would never have been able to do it without HIS help. I believe that HE gave theses surgeons the ability and technology to help us. I believe that HE is watching over every one of us and it is with HIS help that we've come as far as we have. And as far as "changing how we were made" - How many people would not be alive today without transplants? That certainly changes how we are made, but, HE gave us and the medical community the ability to help ourselves. There is a bumper sticker that I've seen that says " Don't take your organs to Heaven, Heaven knows we need them here." I believe that GOD knows what we need, and will provide what we need here on earth, whether we realize it or not. Okay, done babbling. LOL
   — KellyJeanB

April 9, 2004
I agree with Bob in that religion ties into all of it. I am 22 years old and feel like I have the body of an 80 year old. I know that my surgery on May 17, 04 is going to aid in my health problems and appearance but that is not what is 100% important to me. What is important is that my limits will be endless in the extent that I may make a difference in in the lives of others. That will be my greatest reward and I will not have to say that I am too tired or that I cannot keep up. For this I am grateful and forever in debt to my higher power for such a gift.
   — Brandi C.

April 10, 2004
I agree with the others I did a lot of soul searching when I started this journey and I truly believe God guided me through the process. First was my PCP who wouldn't give me an answer about a referral until I did all the research he wanted me to understand this was a life changing event that would benefit me in the long run, but it was a decision only I could make. Next was the call I made to a nearby surgeon office about information I was quickly told they didn't take my insurance and was treated very rudely. So I started using this site to help and I truly believe God helped me every step of the way. I found the surgeon I ended up using here once I went to his information I found several in my area that had used him so I called for information was sent a packet was approved for surgery and given an appointment everything was just falling into place. When I went for my consult I met the PA first and after he explained everything in such detail he took my hand and told me to go home and pray about this and God would give me the answer, little did he know God already gave me the answer right at that very moment. I had surgery less than a month later and was never scared because I knew God was giving me a second chance at life and let me live to see my son graduate from High School. It has been 9 weeks and I am off all diabetes medicines and my cholestrol is down from 277 to 195 and my triglcerides are down from 303 to 125. I believe God gave the Drs the knowledge and skill to help us and to give us a second chance at life. Nancy
   — nefish

April 10, 2004
If it were some sort of sin to make changes to our bodies, surgeons would not exist. When you think about it, everytime a surgeon puts a scalpel to a body, a change has been made, even before he performs the operation. I believe that God guides the hands and hearts of the surgeons, and gives them the way to help people through those skills.
   — koogy

April 10, 2004
Your question reminds me of when the first airplane was made. people said," if God wanted us to fly he would have given us wings." Well, what a blessing airplanes have been for us and also for the thousands of ministers that travel world wide and have won millions to Christ.
   — Delores S.

April 10, 2004
God has given you a wonderful gift to be able to have the self control you've wanted which is pleasing to Him. I went through the same thing, but you know God led me every step of the way, and I know it with all my heart. He will open wide the right doors for you as long as you are seeking His will in your life. This is one of those doors.
   — Happy I.

April 10, 2004
For anyone interested, there's a great Yahoo group for people with Bible-based faith and who are interested in, are pre- or post-op WLS, it can be found at Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

April 10, 2004
My belief is tht this whole journey has been lead by God. I did a lot of praying and soul searching and I stumbled upon the obesityhelp website. It has been like God has been leading me the whole way. It is because of him that I have made it this far and am having surgery at the end of the month. We already changed how we were made by becomeing so overweight. I am sure when God made us in his image, he did not mean for us to be overweight. Our bodies are a temple and we are doing what needs to be done to get back to his image and worshiping and loving our bodies, Just as he would want us to.
   — shalandar

April 10, 2004
I went through a year of spiritual searching prior to this surgery. I don't know how I would have handled all of my postop complications without this spiritual journey. I also use the word God, but there are those that don't. I feel that there is a great force that we are all a part of - I use the word God to describe this. I read a dozen books on addiction (AA, Overeater's Anonymous, NA, etc), I spent countless hours on this website, I spent countless hours thinking and meditating on myself and my feelings, and...when it came to deciding on the surgery, there wasn't a moments hesitation. I knew that it was the right thing to do - Quite frankly, I was feeling so good prior to surgery, that I wondered why I just didn't keep up the exercising and the healthier eating that I had started. Then I remembered my past food history and decided to go forward with the surgery. I have to remind myself to stay centered. God did not remove my inner 'demons' but I was blessed with a brain and the heart to go forward on this journey - and I know that there are countless others just like me out there that just have not found the right road - YET. Without spirituality (and I don't mean religion), I don't think that we can be the person that we should be. Whether WLS is part of your life, working on our spiritual growth is essential to the world becoming a better place.
   — Jodie P.

April 10, 2004
I will quote a scripture that kept popping into my head as I was spiritually seeking guidance from God. He kept leading my path and I kept questioning if I was doing my own will or His will. (Read my profile for the details on it). So, this scripture was what kept popping into my head: Mark 9:43 - And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched. You can surmise what you will from this...that it refers to removing sinners from your church, or removing sin from your life. We know that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we are to keep it healthy. I'm not saying that it's an ultimate sin to be obese, but I am saying that by being unable to use our willpower to be the healthiest we can be, we must take drastic measures. If we can't do it ourselves, we must do what we can to bring about success. Certainly God doesn't lead everyone to this answer, but for some of us He does. I firmly believe that.
   — Dinka Doo

April 12, 2004
The issue I struggled with was that by having an RNY I would be permanently "disconnecting" a perfectly good part of my body. The idea that most of what had been my stomach would NEVER hold food again as it was intended to do really bothered me. But after talking to my Pastor and having her 100% support, I knew I was doing what I had to do to restore my body to the way it was suppose to be. My pastor came to my house the morning of surgery before I left and served communion to me, and that was very comforting to me that the blood and body of Christ were the last things ever contained in my old stomach. (My surgery wasn't until 2pm, and I did NOT tell ANYONE at the hospital I'd "ingested" anything that morning!) Lap RNY 12/11/01 290/190
   — Jules B.

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