
I AM GOING on my 1 yr. anniversary--- next Sat. Feb. 14, 2004! Yeah-- I say on one hand, and on the other, I get a little depressed because I haven't been losing as quick as I would have liked too. Yes- there are areas that I have tried and have improved on, and even when I have stuck perfectly and done everything the way I should, the weight loss can still be a slow process for me. But, so many family members, friends', doctors,--- they all tell me that I look great (compared to before of course) and that it's better to lose weight slower. Most people that tell me that it's better to lose weight slower haven't had the surgery. But, some who have had the surgery, also tell me that it's better to lose slower. One of my weight loss pen-pals told me that she wishes she had lost her weight slower. She had alot of complications and will be a year out in March of this year and is still having trouble keeping food down. Knock on wood I am lucky that I have had no major complications, except the occasional dumping--- vomiting has only happened a handful of times since my surgery-- thank goodness!! I always have hated to vomit and it always scared me to do so. Sometimes I wish I did have complications so I would have been losing the weight quicker; and that I have trouble keeping food down!!! Boy do I wish that was true with some foods!!! Anyway--- my prayers and wishes are with my weight loss pen-pal. I know that the "Honeymoon Period" is over---at least with my surgery. But my honeymoon will begin again-- only a different kind of one!!! LOL! I am getting married in May of this year. Anyway, some words of encouragement could help me. I know it may sound crazy to want to have complications, but sometimes I feel that if I did, then I wouldn't be able to keep food down. I really don't want complications, it's just how I feel now.    — Bonnie R. (posted on February 8, 2004)

February 8, 2004
You sound just like me... even with the "I wish I had complications keeping food down" so that I would lose quicker. If we did have those problems we would probably have nutrition problems also. Oh well, I look at it this way.... I have been FAT since I was 5 years old and having weight loss surgery 6 months ago is wonderful but I guess it is unrealistic to think that my LIFELONG weight problem would be over in 6 months or a year. It is rough those especially when you are following all the rules and depriving yourself and you get MINIMAL results. I guess we are all different and the BIGGER you are the FASTER you lose. I know one thing though... the last time I dieted on my own it took me a YEAR to lose 72 lbs and now it has taken me six months to lose 66 lbs so I would say that is better. We just have to stay strong and stay with the program. We will lose weight. It is funny though how many times I look in the mirror and still see that "fat girl". God bless you in your journey. LAP/RNY/283/217 and still have a LONG way to go.
   — Eleanore Davis

February 8, 2004
Hi Eleanor, :O) Thanks so much for your response to me on my post. I am glad to hear that someone else feels the same way as me. God knows there are probably millions, and billions who feel the same way we do, but you responded and I Thank-You. Thanks for your kind words of inspiration and encouragement! Congats to you on losing your weight so far!!!! Keep up the great work on your journey! Be Well! Have a Great Day!!!! Bonnie :O)
   — Bonnie R.

February 8, 2004
I falsely assumed that since I had to lose 185 pounds to get to my Met Life chart goal, I'd be a lot closer by now. Especially since I go to the gym 5 days a week and except for over the holidays, have been really 'good' with food. In about 12 months I lost 130 pounds, but I haven't lost any since then and I'm now at about 16 months post. I still have 55 pounds left to go! I do, however, feel that I have this tool for the rest of my life and not so focused on losing what I need to by 18 months. As you mentioned in your other questions today, I too get jealous when I see how some people never work out or just 3 times per week and they are near goal. I really work at this and I doubt I will see my ultimate goal weight. I'm still working on accepting this an appreciating how far I've come but it stinks that I might have to settle for being 'obese'. It's far better than Super Morbidly Obese, but still! Good luck to you.
   — Yolanda J.

February 8, 2004
Hi Bonnie, I can relate, thought if I got the flu it would jump-start my weight loss. I am still flu-less. I think my brain could use a couple of staples!
   — connie m

February 8, 2004
I was told the slower you lose the better your chances to keep it off. Because you use the time to develop good eating habits. You have to work for the pounds. Also, it gives your skin time to bounce back. I lost 99 pounds in 7 mos + 20 pounds pre-op so about 120 in 9 months. And deep down I want more. We all want more. It can be a million pounds and we will want to lose a million and one. I think you have a good attitude. You seem to understand life doesn't begin at your goal weight. I wish you continued success.
   — mrsmyranow

February 8, 2004
Hi Bonnie- Please know I come in peace LOL..I was reading your post, and noticed you also posted about "testing the waters" on things you "shouldn't" be eating- BELIEVE ME- I sure can relate- I did SOOOOOOOOO good for such a long time- and once I reached goal (have lost 170lbs over the past year) I too started "testing the waters" I've put on a few pounds (3 LOL) now this might now sound like much- but I'm in a panic- because I KNOW how 3 turns into 10 turns into 20 turns into 50 (ugh) yes- our "honeymoon" is over- we are down to good Ol' willpower now- You have done a WONDERFUL job over the past year- but if you want to keep losing (and keep it off) WE need to try REAL hard not to "test the waters" (hehe) I also wish I had more limitations- I wish I got HORRIBLE dumping (but I don't) Let us BOTH (all) commit to not "testing the waters"- I guess my main thing I am still trying to learn is the word MODERATION- I think (unless their is a medical problem) if we don't lose as much as we want (or even gain) that it OUR FAULT we have not used our tool properly (can you tell I'm also giving myself a pep talk here) LOL- Best wishes Kim
   — WABBIT F.

February 8, 2004
Bonnie, I am one of the people "with complications" that you refer to but I still feel your suffering, only in a different way. I had a blockage and for seven months threw up nearly 30 or even more times per day until I had to have a SECOND surgery to correct the problem. I had lost 115lbs of my desired 130 pounds in the first seven months and thought that it was going to be a breeze to get to my goal. NOT!! It took me three more months to lose that weight. My problem was, that while I was vomitting, I was sooo hungry all the time that I would anything and everything all day long, only to throw it back up, hence...still being able to lose weight. I never retrained myself to eat properly because I was literally starving to death that I ate anything that might fit pass through but rarely ever did. Now, I want to still eat those things, but I can't if I want to keep losing or to keep from regaining. I feel as if I can eat soooo much now and it scares me to death. I am in treatment for an eating disorder now, because I threw up so much the first seven months that I didn't feel right if I didn't throw up after I ate. Yikes...luckily, that was fleeting and now I am training myself to eat naturally and healthily but I still eat the wrong foods sometimes, I just account for them in my total daily intake and attempt to make fewer "bad choices" the next day. I have now lost a total of 137lbs and am still tryng to lose a few more, but as the other poster said....we always want more. Best of luck to you and your wedding. You are not alone in this and I have to say that I am so happy that posters have been supportive. It has been of great discouragement to me that so many people place blame and shame on individuals who are just seeking help. O.k. I'm off of my soap box now! Have a good day.
   — denisel

February 9, 2004
Hey Bonnie, I am greatful that i've lost 61 pounds in 4 months (today). But it is still discouraging to see other posters lose 100 pounds by now. I have never been able to lose this much weight in such short time and thats what i try to focus on. Will we ever be satisfied? everytime i say to myself that once i lose 20 then 30 then 50 then i'll be happy but guess what i still want more.And when i get to my "goal" weight then i'll have work done. Geez whats wrong with me? oh i know, i had weight loss lots of love,congrats!
   — Maria G.

February 9, 2004
Hi Bonnie... I can cetainly sympathize with what you are feeling. I am only 5 weeks out and the scale has not moved in the last 2 weeks. I know I am considered a "light weight", so I was not expecting fast weight loss, but tell that to my irrational head at the moment. I lost 30 pounds before surgery, but have only managed to lose 22 since surgery.
   — Tanya C.

February 9, 2004
I know exactly how you feel. I get so darn jealous when I see people posting about the "Century Club", which of course most join by the sixth month. I am over seven months out and have lost 84#. But, I have worked my ass off for that 84#. I am at the gym doing 2-3 miles on the treadmill at 3.8 miles per hour. From the treadmill I go to the bike and do the programmed "weight loss" cycle, 33 minutes and about 4 miles up hills. After that I hit Curves for the 30 minutes there. I am a nurse and run my behind off at work 12 1/2 hours a day, three days a week. I also swim 35 laps twice a week. I drink my water, take my protein shakes and vitamins and eat healthy. In my meantime, a coworker who had the surgery two weeks after me, eats whatever she wants, hasn't even started to exercise, has now lost 111# and she started out with a BMI of 42 as opposed to my starting BMI of 48. What's up with that? Darn it, I want to be in the Century Club. I deserve it!!!
   — lindadougherty

February 9, 2004
I have lost my weight but I am still in larger clothing sizes than I would like. go figure.
   — Oldsoul

February 11, 2004
Hi-- Thanks to all of the recent posters to my question. I feel alot better to know that there are so many of you out there who can empathize with me. Have a Great Day! Good Luck to all! Bonnie
   — Bonnie R.

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