Has anyone had gall stones lodged in the common bile duct

Bypass (Lap RNY) 3/2001, gall bladder removal 2/2002, I have had symptoms of gall stones, pain, elevated liver enzymes etc, 4 times since June 1002 that landed me in the ER each time. I am scheduled for a MRCP Friday and possible surgery to open the common bile duct (surgically removing it, cutting away the muscle and re-attaching the common bile duct if I understand it correctly). Has anyone else experienced this that can tell me what to expect. Also, what to expect with MRCP as I cannot find any info on this on the internet.    — smummert (posted on November 18, 2003)

November 18, 2003
HI there, I could have written this post myself as I am in the same situation. I was in the ER on Friday as a matter of fact. I have an order for the MRCP but took it to the lab and they had no idea what it was. Where are you getting yours done at? i also had my gallbladder out about 3 years ago and lap rny in January of 2002. I was also admitted to the hospital in July with the same problems. They were going to do exploritory surgery but decided to wait it out b/c nothing showed on the MRI or CAT scan. Please email me at [email protected] to go furthur into detail. If that address doesnt work - post here and ill respond. I also tried to look up MRCP and didnt find anything.
   — Heidi B.

November 18, 2003
I do not know what an MRCP is, but an ERCP is a procedure done in endoscopy using a scope that goes down your esophagus and into your stomach to the duodenum and to the ductal outlet that bile comes out of. They inject dye to see if there are stones, and then try to get them out non-surgically. Obviously this cannot be done due to rny, but maybe it is something along those lines just using a different method.
   — Shannon B.

November 18, 2003
I am having it done at the medical college of Virginia. My doctor said it could be done a 2 other facilities in my area but it would be a waste of time. The machine is similar to am MRI from what I understand. We cannot have the ERCP due to the bypass but from what I am told the MRCP is only 50% accurate is locating the stones if they are there. The reader (doctor) is the key factor. I will e-mail you directly. SInce this appears to be somewhat uncharted teritory, I will keep the site posted.
   — smummert

November 18, 2003
Sue, I had my gall bladder out when I was 22 that was 15 years ago and last November I was 3 mos post op I got admitted to the hospital for stones in my bile duct. Mine where produced in my liver. I spent a week in the hospital and had to have surgery to remove them and then found out 2 weeks after the surgery they left one in me and had to have that one removed too. I was pretty sick. They told me that this happened as a result of the rapid weightloss. Was quite scary and painfull. Good luck.
   — Lora T.

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