How do you afford it all?
I was recently approved for my abdominalplasty but every surgeon I've gone to now (4) have come up with an amount that I would have to pay out of pocket before the surgery could be completed. We're talking at least $3,000. I don't have a 401K to borrow against, nor do I have a home or alot of goods to sell. My credit is shot so financing is not an option. I know I can't possibly be the only one like this out there, so what I'm wondering is how does so many people afford to get the reconstructive surgery after we lose our weight? I'm even beginning to think about hosting car washes to raise money at this point. And is it a normal thing for the doc's to ask for money upfront even though insurance is paying? Thanks for your help! — Christie N. (posted on October 21, 2003)
October 21, 2003
I am working 3 jobs to pay for mine coming up in December. My husband is
using his Flex-spending account thru is job. Does your company offer
flex-spending? From what I understand its like a loan you pay yourself
back from. I think they give it to you up front and then they take so much
out of your paycheck for the next year or two until it is paid off. Ask
your Human Resourse person about flex spending. Good luck to you!
— danabky
October 21, 2003
I was really concerned about the amount I would have to come up with for my
wls. I called my insurance company and they told me that my out-of-pocket
(oop)amount was $2000. That means that the most I will have to pay is
$2000 and that includes my deductible. Insurance pays after that. You
might check into your oop and ask if they will just accept that. Also,
lets say you have an 80/20 policy, you paying 20% of the bill. The amt
that your doctor will bill the insurance company will probably have a
contractual discount taken off of it. Therefore your 20% should be reduced
and you should get a refund. If that's confusing just email me and I will
try to explain it better.
— JaimeO
October 22, 2003
Do you have a PPO or HMO plan?? If you do and these doctors are in your
network, you should find out what your portion of the cost will be after
insurance pays so that you are only paying them the contracted amount. If
they are in your network of providers, they can only charge you the
difference between what you plan pays and the contracted amount. For
example, your tummy tuck costs $5000 for the surgeon. Because this doctor
is in your network of providers, the contracted amount between the
insurance company and the doctor is $1500. Based on what type of insurance
plan you have, you would be responsible for the deductible (if it hasn't
been met) and coinsurance or copay amount. So if you are typically
responsible for 20% and your insurance company pays the other 80%, your
responsibility to the doctor would be 20% of the $1500 or $300. You need
to check your insurance plan.
— Patty H.
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