How am I doing?

I will be 6 months out in a few days and have lost 81 pounds. Don't get me wrong I am very happy with the loss, but like so many others wonder it I will get to goal. I was wondering how others who started out around 5 2' 230 did their first year. oh ya I know I should not compare but can't help it. lol Thanks    — Kim R. (posted on October 16, 2003)

October 16, 2003
Hi! I started out 5'1" and 241#. At six months I was down approx. 70 pounds, so I think you doing great! And your right, don't compare yourself to others. If I had, I think I would be certifiable by now. I'm not out 10+ months, and down 95 pounds. So, it does come off, just more slowly for some than others. Hang in there! Lisa
   — MissPriss

October 16, 2003
Alot of people compare, so don't feel bad about wanting to. I am 5'5 was 267 and at 6mo I had lost 103# and now at 12mo I have lost a total of 131#, look how much it has slowed down and I only have 2 stinking pounds until goal lol. You are doing really good actually, we are considered slow losers and yet we lost fast :o) Good luck to you!
   — Sandy M.

October 16, 2003
Hi Kim, I just passed 6 months on Oct 7th, and I'm 5'2 1/2 down from 235 to 153 (-82 lbs). Sounds like you're doing great! I've noticed my weightloss has really slowed down of late and per the weightloss calculators we should only expect to lose 4-5 lbs per month from here on out :(
   — Barbara C.

October 16, 2003
I am 4'11" and started at 230. I will be 7 months out next week and I have lost 93.5 lbs.
   — Dixie Chick

October 16, 2003
I was 5'2 and 248. I had lost 108 pounds by 9 months. However, I worked out like a fiend, 5 days a week and I think that made a HUGE difference in the amount of weight I lost. It seems like your on track. I hit my goal weight in 10 months.
   — Patty H.

October 17, 2003
please check out my profile I have a week by week update on wieght and are old though.( now 35#s lighter) 8 mo. post/op down 134lbs. currently 5lbs. past goal at 128#s. 5'3" started at 268.
   — hooterzgirl75

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