Anybody still having problem with keep food down at 9 wks?

I am 9 weeks post op and still having a problem keeping food down. My calories are barely 200-300. Has anyone had this problem?    — S L. (posted on October 11, 2003)

October 11, 2003
Hi...I had my surgery on 08-29-03 and am in the same situation as you are. I can eat cream of wheat and oatmeal, etc., but can't seem to tolerate other things that I am allowed to eat at this time. I know that I am only eating way less than 500 calories, probably the same amount as you are and I just get disgusted and have been drinking the "carb solutions" protein drink for most of my meals. It's less of a hassle. I hope this soon passes;however, I really don't care about the eating because I don't want to get back into any old habits. We will have to wait and see. Good luck to you on your road to a successful weight loss. Margie M.
   — margaret M.

October 11, 2003
I am 8 months post rny and still have problems eating any kind of solid food. Vomit nearly every day and every time i try to eat any kind of meat and most recently cottage cheese and crackers.
   — Delores S.

October 11, 2003
Yes, Like you, I am at 8 weeks and vomit all the time. I can tolorate cottage cheese, yogurt & pureed soups.. it's realy a bummer. I want to be able to eat something solid.. it helps to know someone is going through the same thing... please feel free to email me.. [email protected]
   — Boopster

October 11, 2003
I am so glad to see I'm not alone in this, but at this far post-op, is there something wrong? I'll be 11 weeks post-op on 10/14. I cannot eat much that stays down. Sugar-free popsicles work most of the time. Broth, yogurt, hi-protein/low sugar shakes, honeycombs without milk, vanilla wafers work most of the time too. That's about it. No truly solid food, and it's painful when I try, and then vomiting occurs. I had a hiatal hernia repaired at the same time my lap rny was done. Did anyone else having this problem?
   — Patti B.

October 11, 2003
Not being able to keep anything down should be checked out. At your time frame, you could have a stricture. (closing up of the opening) that causes vomiting and inability to eat/drink. Your tummy 'could' just be sensitive; but you need to have your surgeon rule out stricture. If you have a stricture - it can be 'fixed'. But bland liquid foods shouldnt be giving you any trouble. If so, call and be checked. After that; just introduce 'one' food at a time.. at first certain things CAN bother you.... Try cottage cheese; or yogurt. MEATs would be LAST and could be 'awhile before you ever get over those...
   — star .

October 11, 2003
I had my surgery 7/14/03 so I am 12 weeks out and I had an endoscopy because my surgeon thought I might have a stricture. No stricture, the opening was open and the GI doctor could see no reason why food wasn't going through but they he did see an ulcer on the intestine right past where the pouch is connected to the intestines. He put me on 2 medications, carafate (to coat the pouch and intestines) and nexium (to reduce acid) but as of yet (about 2 weeks)I haven't seen much of an improvement. I am still vomiting and I am having severe nausea. I would get it checked out though.
   — Dawn P.

October 16, 2003
I did, but I had a stricture. Boy are things MUCH better now!!
   — Lynette H.

October 18, 2003
I'm 30 days out, averaging 100 calories/day (after vomiting). I've had strictures -- 2 dilations already & another coming up next week. I hope that I get better soon, because my nerves are RAW. Maybe you should ask your surgeon if she/he thinks that you have a stricture. Your description sounds like the classic case.
   — Annie H.

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