Is is possible to have too much protein? I find that I have to urinate

much more when I increase protein. Anyone else experience this?    — Andrea K. (posted on October 5, 2003)

October 5, 2003
I have the same problem, I am two months post op, and I did not connect going pp with protein drinks, but here is the good news, you can be in ketosis in your urine. That is a Great thing, is the water a little greasy looking, like it has Wesson Oil in it, if it is you are at a extreme fat burining right now.
   — cindy

October 6, 2003
hiya~ how far out are you & how much protein are you getting in? are you counting only the protein from shakes or also protein from foods? it is possible to get "too much protein" but especially in the first 6 months post op, you want your protein consumption to be high (prolly between 70-100 grams depending on your surgeon) to aid in healing and maintain your muscle mass. i don't know many people post op who can EAT that much protein but if you are regularly taking in over 100 grams of protein, you may want to check with your surgeon and see how much they recommend. good luck, kate
   — jkb

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