Has anyone's bloodtests results kept them from having surgery?

I got all of my preop tests completed but had to go back to give more blood to have my bloodwork tests repeated because my PCP said my white blood cell count, liver enzymes, cholesterol and triglycerides were all to high. Well today the results from the 2nd tests came back and my liver enzymes were above normal, my cholesterol level is 303 and my triglycerides is 495. She wants to start me on Lipitor starting tomorrow and she's faxing the results to my surgeon. I don't know if I should be worried about this affecting my surgery scheduled for 10/13.....Has this happened to anyone else?    — chriswls2003 (posted on September 25, 2003)

September 24, 2003
Total guess here, but I suspect it will not delay your surgery. It is important to get started on meds to help lower these numbers before surgery. Worst case it might delay things a short while till they see some reduction in numbers. The liver enzymes can be from many things. What they will be looking at is the sooner you get the surgery the sooner these numbers will start to srop like a stone. Hang in there!
   — zoedogcbr

September 24, 2003
The only thing that migh cause a delay might be the elevated white blood cell count - that can mean there is an infection somewhere. You might also be somewhat dehydrated which would make your numbers higher. I, too, suspect your cholesterol and triglycerides will drop after surgery. (Although, in my case, I had to go back on Zocor because my cholesterol went back up when I was off the medication. I think I inherited the tendency toward elevated cholesterol from my dad. He was normal weight and had high cholesterol many years ago, to the point my mom baked special bread for him for his lunch at work, and nothing really helped.)
   — koogy

September 25, 2003
Hi, If you have tried to lose weight recently, your Liver enzymes may go up. Most obese have high liver levels. My cholesterol and blood pressure dropped to normal within 2 mos of surgery. good luck
   — Kriola

September 26, 2003
Have you checked to make sure that the Lipitor will not cause additional problems with your liver? Some of the cholesterol drugs can cause liver issues.
   — Arizona_Sun

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