I am confused. When talking about liquid intake, does that include other things

beside water or water only? Does coffee, protein shakes, soda, etc. count? I have been told in the past that only water counts. That doesn't make sense, but I just wanted to check.    — Andrea K. (posted on September 12, 2003)

September 12, 2003
You'll find different opinions on this. Generally, I think it's "safe" to count any liquid towards your daily 64 oz. goal (assuming people even agree on that, anymore!), *except* for liquids containing caffeine (or alcohol, of course ;-P). This is because caffeine is a diuretic (dehydrating, & drains the body of fluids), plus -- a little off-topic -- caffeine also causes us to leach calcium from our bones (so, a little is okay, none is better, but satisfying most of your daily liquid requirement with caffeinated beverages is not a good idea). Water's best, though, as the kidneys really don't have to work as hard to process plain water. Just my 2c!
   — Suzy C.

September 12, 2003
I agree with the previous poster... opinions will vary. Personally, I did not count anything but water as my liquid intake. It was sometimes difficult to get it all in in one day, but I always tried!! After a while, it gets easier and easier to get in 64 oz., and now I get in nearly double that in just water each day (20 months out). I lost 212 lbs in 16 months after wls, so... maybe it helps, maybe it doesn't. Try to get in as much water as you can though... it IS good for you! :~)
   — Sharon m. B.

September 12, 2003
Opinions do vary, but my dietitian told me to count all water-based drinks that did not contain caffeine. I do not drink pop as I have heard stories about how bad it is for us (I don't plan to find out if the stories regarding stretching and regain are true or not, in case they are) and I know from seltzer water that the bubbles are uncomfortable. So I count water, decaf iced tea, decaf coffee, and Crystal Light. I was told that I could count 1/2 of the milk I drink (which I no longer drink because I don't find it a good bargain for my expenditure of daily calories and carbs). I don't use protein shakes, but I would be able to count those fully if made with water, and half if made with milk. I don't drink fruit juice for the same reason as milk, so I don't know how that would count.
   — Vespa R.

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