Should I be concerned about the results of my bloodwork?

I am preop. Will these results keep me from having surgery? My PCP called today and said my white blood cell count was high (19) and my liver enzymes were high. Also she said my triglycerides were 445. Good cholesterol was 40 but did not have reading for bad cholesterol. I have to go back this week for more bloodwork and a urine test. She doed not want to send these results to my surgeon. Should I be worried?    — chriswls2003 (posted on September 8, 2003)

September 8, 2003
I am 4 weeks post-op, and I am not a doctor, but those numbers are way to high, and yes they could keep you from surgery. You need to have your pcp do more test and find out why those numbers were so high, and get everything under control before surgery. When I went in for my surgery everything had to be normal, and they check it and re-check it. Some surgeon's like mine have you lose weight before surgery to help shrink your liver. Your Triglycerides should be under 200, and your liver enzymes are to high for surgery.
   — cindy

September 8, 2003
My surgery was scheduled for September 3 and was cancelled while I was on the surgery table. I had a 100.9 fever and high white blood cell count. The surgeon would not touch me. My blood will be drawn again on Monday, September 15, to see if I can have surgery on September 17. My levels were due to a virus. Be sure to listen to your doctor because I cannot even describe the disappointment I felt that day. Good luck to you. -Jennifer McGee
   — Jennifer M.

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