Has anyone else gotten a terrible taste in their mouth?

I'm one month post-op and have a terrible taste in my mouth. I've had this from the beginning. It has made me not want to eat or drink very much, as it makes everything taste awful. Does anyone know if this will end soon or what I can do?    — Susan G. (posted on September 5, 2003)

September 5, 2003
Susan..did you get a yeast infection from the antibiotics in the hospital? Check your tongue and see if you have a white coating. If you do, it's thrush. Call your dr. and ask for Diflucan which they will tell you won't cure thrush...but it sure as heck does! Mine was gone within 3 days after 1 diflucan:) If its not thrush, it's probably ketosis:) PS thrush is not my standard answer to all questions:)
   — kathy B.

September 5, 2003
Most likely it is Ketosis. How far out are you? Your profile doesn't really tell me much, hint hint! If you are doing total protein and eithe no or very close to zero carbs then 99% chance it is ketosis. Is it sort of a metal taste? and no matter how many times you brush your tongue or teeth it doesn't go away? Then I vote for ketosis. I used to wake up at like 2 or 3 in the morning and wonder what died in my mouth. It does get better over time. I haven't experienced it an probably 2-3 months now. I actually chose to keep my body in ketosis longer than my surgeons plan called for to burn the fat more rapidly as that's how it was reacting on my body. The surgeon said it was fine as long as I got in lots of fluids to flush the ketones out. You do need to find something you can tolerate to drink as you do not want to leave the ketones in your body, they can do nasty things. Try Crystal Lite, diet snapple (not the teas), sf koolaid - something!
   — zoedogcbr

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