I would like to hear from anyone who has had a brachiaplasty done.

I have been approved for the tummy tuck and brachiaplasty. I have heard that lymphadema or swelling of the arm is one of the risks. Can anyone please tell me your experience with this procedure?    — leona U. (posted on August 20, 2003)

August 20, 2003
HI! I just had the abdominoplasty and brachioplasty done 2 weeks ago. I have been very lucky because I have had NO pain at all. The only discomfort I have is the staples right in the arm pits. I was very afraid to have it done because I'm a wimp when it comes to pain, but this has not been bad at all. I sometimes feel the staples pulling if i move the wrong way but honestly there has been no pain at all. good luck to thing i will tell you is that my left arm blistered a lot. the ps told me it would because he pulled it so tight. he took 4" off both arms. it doesn't hurt any, just looks gross...any other questions, please feel free to email me.
   — candymom64

August 20, 2003 in the armpits! Ouch! I had my brachioplasty 6 weeks ago this Friday and did not have any pain at all (of course, this is with Vicodin)! I would definitely check with whatever surgeon you are going with to see how they close the wound. Personally, I can't imagine having staples in my armpits! I had stitches UNDERNEATH the skin and only steri strips on top of the skin. Good luck to you!
   — Lynette B.

August 20, 2003
I had my arms done in May with hidden stitches and steri strips. Personally I can't imagine PS with staples! My doctor had me keep my arms elevated to reduce swelling post-op, so I slept with pillows under my arms. I did have pain-a deep down ache for about a month. I wore infant tights over my dressings to help protect the incisions and provide a little compression.
   — LLinderman

August 20, 2003
I just had my modified brachioplasty done on 6/27. I didn't have any abnormal swelling at all. I had liposuction of the upper arms last year. This greatly reduced the size of my arms by shrinking them down. On 6/27, I had the excess skin cut off. My incision is primarily under my armpit and about 1/3 of the way down from my armpit to the inside of my arm to get rid of some ugly turkey waddle skin on the very upper part of my arm. The incisions under my armpit are deep but are getting less red with each passing day. My PS saw me last week for my 7 week check up and he said they looked great. If the scars are anything like my tt scars, this time next year, they'll be just a white very faded line.
   — Patty H.

August 20, 2003
Like some of the responders, I had sutures under the skin and steri-strips to close the incisions which, in my case, ran from armpit to elbow. I had far too much excess skin to successfully have the modified brachioplasty with only the incision in the armpit area. I did not develop any lymphedema or excess swelling, and my plastic surgeon is one who does not use compression garments with his patients. I had absolutely NO post-op pain, and in fact woke up in the Recovery Room "distressed" because I thought that my surgeon had forgotten to do my arms :-) My arms were wrapped in several layers of soft gauze for 3 days because that area has a tendency to drain alot post-op, then those dressings were removed in the surgeon's office. I had no drains, no problems or complications. Now almost two years later, my incisions have faded to fine white lines with some residual numbness just along the incision lines. I couldn't be more pleased with my results, and wish you the same great experience!
   — Diana T.

August 20, 2003
Original poster here...Just wanted to thank you all for you replys. I had read somewhere that the lymphadema was a risk with this surgery. Not just temporary swelling, but lifetime swelling of the whole arm. Like what happens to alot of women who have had mastectomies. It is encouraging to hear about such good results from all of you. Thanks again for your replys.
   — leona U.

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