Is a prior blood clot indication of too much of a risk for surgery?

I had a blood clot 4 years ago (was a smoker at that time and quit PRONTO). I wondered if anyone knew if that would be sufficient for a surgeon to decide I am not a good risk for surgery. I know these days they have you up and moving right afterwards and they also give you foot pumps. Does anyone have any information or experience with this problem? (I have a BMI of at least 44)    — hibou21 (posted on May 7, 2003)

May 7, 2003
From my experience with chatting with several surgeons who do various long as you are smoke free now...that shouldnt be an issue. As for the blood clot issue, the surgeon you choose will have to determine your risk factor for a reoccurance. If it is high, they will most likely just insert a filter into your vena cava that is used like a screen to catch any clot before it could make its way up to your major organs and cause damage. I also had a blood clot 13 years ago. I'm no longer considered high risk, but I will ask my surgeon to install one for me just to be on the safe side (with insurance approval only though). Also after surgery they do have you on blood thinners so that may be all you need to ward off another possible clot.
   — ImANewDee

May 7, 2003
I had been hospitalized in January '02 with blood clots in both lungs and still had my surgery last July. I was on Coumadin until 5 days prior to my surgery, had the shots while I was in the hospital and resumed my Coumadin after my discharge. My surgeon decided that a Greenfield filter was not necessary...JR
   — John Rushton

May 7, 2003
I had a blood clot in one lung March 2001 and I have been on Coumadin since my release from the hospital then. WLS was not a problem and my surgeon decided a Greenfield filter was that extra added assurance that should another clot form, none would reach my lungs or heart. <p> I was admitted to the hospital 3 days prior to my WLS. They took me off Coumadin and replaced it with Heparin shots instead, since Heparin is faster-acting and out of your body just as quickly. I went back on my Coumadin when I was released from the hospital and have done really well since. Good luck to you.<br> Lap-RNY 1/13/03 -100lbs & Counting!
   — thumpiez

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