I'm APPROVED!!!! Any suggestions for pre-op?

Wow, my surgeon called today with news that I have been approved. I'm scheduled for April 7th!!! I'm a little in shock as it has only been 10 days since he submitted a letter to my insurance, and he did not have any of my medical records at the time! I was fully expecting them to say I needed a psych eval, proof of medically supervised diets, diet and weight history etc, but I guess I'm one of the lucky ones! Anyway, the coordinator says I am not really required to do anything prior to surgery, but did recommend that I start exercising. Anybody have any good advice for me? Things you wish you would or wouldn't have done? Thanks in advance, Barb    — Barbara C. (posted on March 6, 2003)

March 6, 2003
One suggestion is to not go overboard on the "last suppers". Remember, any weight you put on before the surgery is weight that you will have to take off afterwards (and the further away you will be from goal at the time of your surgery). My weight at the time of my initial consult was 440 - it was 427 at the time of my surgery (3 months later). No last suppers for me... I didn't diet - just tried to eat sensibly and smaller portions. Kinda prepping for post-op life...JR (open RNY 07/17 -157 lbs)
   — John Rushton

March 6, 2003
A couple of other things not to go overboard on. Post-op food buying and things to take to the hospital. You do want to have some sf Jello, broth, etc., but you really won't be able to eat much of any of the clear liquids and by the time you can start full liquids you'll be very tired of the clear liquids. I still have about 10 boxes of sf Jello in my cupboard at 10 months post-op. I don't want it at all.<p>The other thing is not to take too much to the hospital. You won't need a robe or much in the way of reading material. You can get a second hospital gown to use like a robe. If you have an IV in, it's easier to use one of the gowns with snaps on the shoulder. You will want your own slippers, once that you can just slide your feet into. And chapstick. It's also a good idea to wear something loose to the hospital. You don't want any tight clothing on immediately post-op, even if you have your surgery lap.
   — garw

March 6, 2003
Barb, Congratulations!!! I am very happy for you. I am sure you will do just fine and I am sure your children will be very supportive of you. My date is April 3rd so I will be right ahead of you- we will basically be at the same step of this journey!! The only advice I have recieved so far it to drink alot of Water a few days prior to your surgery- it is suppose to make you less thirsty post op. Otherwise- I would just follow your surgeons recommendations. Good Luck and Way to go!!!
   — Jan S.

March 6, 2003 you have a live support group that you belong to? If so, you may want to take those 10 boxes of sugar-free Jello with you the next time you meet. Some pre-ops will appreciate it. Either that or take them to your surgeon or nutritionist the next time you meet. They can see that they get into the hands of a pre-op or recent post-op...R
   — John Rushton

March 6, 2003
Glad to hear of your quick approval - mine was similar. It sure does help. I have such a hard time with some of the run-arounds that people get. It just makes we want to take them all on. Afterall we are literally fighting for our lives. <p>I wasn't as behaved as John and did the last supper syndrome to the tune of 10 lbs (maxed out at 442 lbs), but I did it 3-4 weeks before surgery because I knew my surgeon wanted me on protein and veggies only, the last 2 weeks before surgery. Thankgoodness he did. I lost 21 lbs before surgery (421 lbs day of surgery), so that got me on the right track. It also started getting carbs out of my life and eating only 3 meals, no snacking or grazing. The funny part was that with eating only protein and veggies I was totally satisfied between meals and didn't have a problem snacking. The protein really stuck with me. I only was a bad girl 1 night when a bunch of brownies called me, but I guess it didn't hurt because the rest of the 2 weeks I behaved very well and my liver was shrunk at the time of surgery, which is what the surgeon's goal was with the pre-op diet. <p>I agree, don't take a bunch of stuff. However, the smartest things I took was shorts and sleeveless tank top. I'm not normally overly warm but when I am in hospitals I am always very warm. Shortly after I came out of surgery I was complaining about the heat of which it was set as low as possible. They could not find a fan so I suffered on and off. Add to this those leg things that keep the circulation going and I felt like I was having hot flashes LOL. Yes they had a cooling cycle but what a joke - at least for me. By Wed morning (2nd day PO) the room was comfortable and then I went for a walk. I came back and the heat was just pouring out and I could not take it anymore. I put on my shorts and top. The catheter had been removed the night before and I already had underpants on. I didn't have a gown with snaps so I got my shirt on as best I could and the next time someone came in I got them to disconnect the IV so I could get the gown off and shirt on. I got some comments from nurses and my surgeon about putting on my own clothes but I just told them I had been complainin about the heat and no one would do anything, so I did. They laughed and didn't say anything after that. It wasn't like I was going to walk out of the hospital in summer wear when it was snowing and about 10 degrees. LOL <p>Prior to my clothes, I just tied the gown in the back (they have very large ones so no tushy hangs out) when I went for a walk - no need for a robe. Take toothbrush and paste, brush and/or comb, slippers/socks and that's about it. Most women tend to start a period right after surgery because of the shock to their body, even if you haven't had one in years. So if you are not in menopause you might want to be prepared, but bring pads as it will likely be too difficult to use tampons. Me, I was a lucky one as I have been on Depo-Provera since 1995 and had none of these problems. YEAH! Good Luck and congratulations! Chris
   — zoedogcbr

March 6, 2003
Barb, Congradulations on your approval! All the suggestions here have been fantastic, but I didn't see the one that my surgeon recommended that really made a difference in my surgery. I had LAP RNY and he wanted me to try and lose at least 10 lbs before surgery. The reason for this is that your liver and internal organs also have lots of fat on them when your are MO. Dieting, even just as little as 10 lbs of loss, makes a huge difference when the surgeon operates. So my suggestions would be to try now to get yourself adjusted to less sugar, fats and carbs in your diet now. This will make the post op transition eaiser too. Lots of people want to do the last supper syndrome, but that really is more harmful than helpful. Consider your approval your last day of the old life, now start working towards the new one! It is much better! Trust me! Good luck with surgery... Tami
   — Tami D.

March 7, 2003
I'm still pre op, but I do have a few suggestions for you. First is, start walking. I just got a membership to my local community center and last night was my first visit to use their indoor walking track. I plan on going at least 3 times a week. I have also cut out all soda. Another thing I am really going to try to do, at least a week or two before my surgery (April 11th), is cut out all sugar, and watch what I eat. That will be the hardest for me. I have a major sweet tooth!! Good luck to you, and concrats on your approval!!! :o)
   — Cat S.

March 7, 2003
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I had to wait over the holidays (Christmas/New Years) and it was murder but I lost 5 lbs prior to surgery. I also took my vitamins every day and started walking. I also kept Zicam and loads of vitamin C and Echinecea on hand. My family came down with colds over Christmas and I took the Zicam and lots of Vitamin C and zinc lozenges. I did NOT want a cold and a few times I started to have the sniffles but I believe the preemptive cold remedies nipped it in the bud. Lots of Vitamin C is a good idea even if you're not exposed to colds. Get plenty of rest and PLEASE take pictures and measurements!!! I barely remembered my picture and didn't take measurements until recently.
   — susanje

March 7, 2003
Go to Walmart or to a neighborhood photo center and have a good pre-op picture made. You have probably been hiding from cameras for years! You'll be so happy, a year from now, to have a good picture of where you started! hugs, Ann rny 9/10/99 260/124
   — [Deactivated Member]

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