I had my sleep study and the tech said..

I had my sleep study and the tech said that they would most likely have me come back again with the c-pap. So does this mean that I have apena? The tech said I have many resportory problems during the night. Any imput would be great. I am so impaient, I can never just wait for the doc to tell me. lol    — Kim R. (posted on February 21, 2003)

February 21, 2003
I can only speak from my own experience. I think that means you have apnea. During my study they put the cpap on after a couple hours of sleep. They did that to adjust the air pressure to my personal level. My guess is that was what the tech was talking about. They have to adjust the pressure so it's enough to open your airwaves but not too much so that it's blowing you up like a baloon. Once they determine your pressure they set you up with a machine. I'm assuming they didn't put a cpap during your initial study. They should have or will come up with a statistic of the number of respritory events you had per hour. I had over 60 an basically I would slightly wake up almost every minute that I was sleeping. No wonder I felt like I was hit by a truck every morning. My guess is the tech isn't allowed to tell you details of your study, defering that for the Dr to tell you.
   — Scott L.

February 21, 2003
As much as I wanted the tech to give me the results of my sleep study, he wouldn't. He's not a doctor and doesn't get paid enough to act like one. <p> You can't really be sure you'll have to use a CPAP machine just because you have to have the sleep study with one. I had a sleep study for one night. The first half of the night I slept regularly. About 2am I was waken up to be fitted for this CPAP contraption. I never could get used to it and felt like someone was doing mouth to mouth on me. I waited the 10 days for my results by my Pulmonary Doctor and he said my sleep apnea was "mild" and that I could use a CPAP machine if I wanted, but according to the sleep study results, my breathing did not improve while using it. Good luck to you.
   — thumpiez

February 21, 2003
If they try you on a CPAP then that is because you have sleep apnea. The way you worded this the sleep tech stated they would "most likely" have you come back and put you on CPAP (titration). It sounds to me as if the tech. is not sure his/herself. Respiratory events could be apneas or hyopneas (sp) or both or it could be so mild that they feel that a CPAP is not necessary. Sounds like the tech. needs to the doctor to make the final diagnosis. If they call you for titration, its because you have apnea.
   — Lisa N M.

February 21, 2003
Don't worry about the results. Just be grateful you doctor is finding out before you have your surgery. I just went to my doctor this week after my titration test. My doctor said it is very important to get treated before your operation. He said he sometimes gets called to recovery when someone stops breating after being taken off the ventalator. They stop because of undiagnosed apnea. If you bring your mask along they can put it on you as you come off the ventalator and you'll be fine them.
   — Karen G.

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