Is it common for Insurances in negociations to drag on to deadline?

Just a warning mostly. Just found out 3 days before my first consult, that Cigna is in negociations with Houston Herman Memorial Hospitals (more than one) grrrrrr and as of Feb 28th if they dont sign a contract, will NOT cover those hospitals. Ya'll make sure to check your insurance covers dr and hospital. I wonder if this is common to wait till close to deadline?? Goodness, this is making me very sick feeling inside. I have been working on this since last summer and had my ducks in LINE..... NOW I want to shoot someone!!!!    — WLS_Deb (posted on February 1, 2003)

February 1, 2003
I think it is common for negotiations to end in the 11th hour and be up in the air until then. Seems like it's always the case when they talk about strikes on TV. But as far as insurance, I know that TWICE my medical group has had to renegotiate with my health insurance, and both times it was resolved only right before the deadline. GRRRR it is frustrating, because for the patients there is so much to take care of - new insurance in open enrollment perhaps, new PCPs, etc. AND if you have something that you are lining up like this surgery or some ongoing medical treatment it is very difficult. On a related note, my medical group (John Muir Mt. Diablo Health Network) is in negotiations with the weight loss surgery center at THEIR hospital - Mt. Diablo. They don't refer patients there but to the UCSF program which is far away and VERY overcrowded. They were supposed to have negotiations done in November, then by end of December, and then right at the end of December they said they were going to wait and evaluate the program for 6 months before continuing negotiations! It is very frustrating!!!!! Hugs, hope your negotiations issues resolve themselves quickly and according to your hopes. It's not over until the very end, and like I mentioned, often things are at the last minute. Feb 28th is still a month away, so hopefully they will resolve their contract! HUGS! Wishing you all the best.
   — w8free

February 2, 2003
A few years ago, my insurance company announced that they were discontinuing their contracts with a group of hospitals in the Denver area. I was really bummed because one of them was the hospital closest to me and one where I have had several procedures and one surgery. However, at the LAST minute, the two parties were able to come to an agreement and signed a new contract. I don't think this is all that unusual.
   — garw

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