What exactly is dumping syndrome.

I have spells of shakiness after eating sugar...I keep eating it anyway...what do you suppose this is doing to my health??? Is this dumping??    — Cynthia R. (posted on January 27, 2003)

January 27, 2003
It sure sounds like it to me. This is what the dietician who taught the classes I had to take said about dumping.<p>Dumping is caused by simple sugars being 'dumped' into the small intestine very quickly and not having a chance to be absorbed. This causes water to be pulled into the intestines causing cramping, sudden watgery diarrhea and sometimes a dizzy, shaky, sweaty reaction (hypoglycemia). It is not caused by starches or fat.
   — garw

January 27, 2003
Gar - actually, you can dump on fats as well as sugar (well, not the hypoglycemic part of it). <p> From one of the many sites to talk about dumping syndrome ( <br> Stick to sugar-free, low-fat foods. Foods high in sugar and fat may cause diarrhea, abdominal discomfort or "dumping syndrome." And they can slow weight loss. <p> Dumping syndrome results from a rapid passage of food into the small intestine and shifts fluid too quickly into the intestine. The result often is diarrhea and dehydration. Cramping, sweating, flushed appearance, dizziness, weakness, and headache characterize dumping syndrome. <p> Examples of High-fat foods<br> potato chips<br> ice cream<br> fried food<br> fast food<br> High-fat meats:bacon, sausage, hot dogs, pepperoni, bologna, and steaks<br> frozen entrees<br> cream soups<br> donuts, cakes, icing<br> <p> High-sugar foods<br> regular soda<br> iced tea<br> lemonade<br> candy<br> cakes, cookies, pies<br> regular pudding and yogurt<br> regular gelatin<br> jelly, honey, marshmallows<br> sugar-coated cereal<br> regular hot chocolate<br> <p> JR
   — John Rushton

January 27, 2003
Cynthia - you say "I have spells of shakiness after eating sugar...I keep eating it anyway...". WHY?????????? This is one of the desired side-effects of RNY WLS - the intolerance to high-sugar, high-fat foods. If you keep eating the sugars, you eventually will build a tolerance to that level and it will take more sugar to cause you to dump, and so on and so on. Continuing to eat high-sugar, high-fat foods is eventually going to lead to weight regain...JR
   — John Rushton

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