Pre Op and WLS Obsessed, Anyone Else?

It seems all I can think about, talk about is WLS. Totally obsessed with it. Not really thinking bad things just totally obsessed. Spending lots of time talking to other WLS people, reading surfing net. Just want to get it over with. Can't seem to think of much else.    — sandy L. (posted on December 9, 2002)

December 9, 2002
I feel the same way! Have been approved for surgery worked out the details thru work and there isn't a schedule for January out yet at the surgeons office. I have called everyday for 2 weeks. Don't know if this is the way to get known or not but I am so ready for this it is all I can think about either. I'm afraid to change from summer to winter clothes in my closet until I get a date I keep thinking it will jenks it or something and I want to get rid of clothes not just tranfer again.
   — Kathy V.

December 9, 2002
I was the same way before surgery! I still enjoy talking to pre and post ops about their experiences. My whole attitude is that this is a life changing procedure so why not be obsessed with it. I am going to have to deal with what I have done (not that it is a bad thing by any means) for the rest of my life. My husband has gotten so tired of hearing my WLS stories that he has limited me to 3 a day! I think that what you are feeling is totally normal. I have calmed down my obsession just a bit, but I am still online checking this website and answering and writing e-mails about it all day!
   — salymsmommy

December 9, 2002
Yes, Sand, you are not alone! I have to force myself to think about other things! I think I'm so obsessed because WLS feels like "the answer" I've been looking for all my life. I'm at a frustrating place right now, trying to get pre-approval from my insurance company, trying to get my surgeon's office to return calls regarding insurance issues, etc. I know I really want this, and it's hard waiting to get it! But at least the time is giving me ample opportunity for research. I just have to keep reminding myself to "shut it off" for a while.
   — Carlita

December 9, 2002
I am right with you all. My WLS is 04/10/03 and it feels like a life time away. My hubby tells me this web site is my new family (awww poor hubby) Maybe by the time we are all done we can assist the the operations. lol Take care!!
   — Kim R.

December 9, 2002
Obsessed, yes I am, was, am!!!! I don't have a surgery date yet (and none seems to be in sight). I am having surgery at the Langhorne BTC. I was so frustrated from everyone getting a date and having surgery and then seeing their before and after pictures that in desperation, I told myself that I wouldn't/couldn't go to the obesity/help site until I at least got a surgery date (the pain had become unbearable). Well, that was Friday and here it is Monday and I am back again. I can't help it. I love to hear, participate and learn about WLS. For those who have dates, I send many blessings and for those waiting like me, lets continue to support those going before us. God Bless.
   — najeeloveme

December 9, 2002
I guess the fact that I'm 7 months post-op and still logging in to this site every day would make me obsessed as well. I know that I was so excited about the possibility of being thin that even b4 I had the surgery I used to pour over the before and after photos and Q/A section every day. The surgery offers hope where none existed before. I wish you well on the journey. - Mike
   — Michael N.

December 9, 2002
Count me in as one of the addicted!! I pour over the message board and Q&A everyday. I love to read all the related sites and pick up as much info as I can. Love emailing other DS patients!! I am preop and just soaking it up!! Blessings,
   — Leslie E.

December 9, 2002
I just got approved last week and this is ALL I can think about anymore. I can't even hardly sleep I'm so excited. What a GREAT way to start out the New Year!
   — kb0lqx

December 9, 2002
Addict here, too!!! It's funny to read all the posts, because I wondered if anyone else was as obsessed as I am! My husband is SO ready for this to be over with so I won't talk about it 50 times a day! I will find out on 12/16 when my surgery will be. I'm hoping for January, but who knows!! I feel like I know everyone on hear personally. I read it everyday (several times, actually). So, I guess we're not alone!
   — Kathy S.

December 9, 2002
I am six months post op and I am still addicted to this site!
   — Linda A.

December 9, 2002
Totally obsessed & totally agree with you!! I am pre-op & have a tentative date of 2/27/03. :) I can seek answers here, get impartial advice and I sometimes feel as if I have already been trying to replace the bad eating habits with knowledge/research & support. It has been wonderful and has made my descision to go through with this a better journey! On a daily basis I come to this site and am very grateful for it! God Bless the people who share their experiences and help me feel less lonely/unique regarding the issues we have.
   — Karen H.

December 9, 2002
Me too! My husband and I have been looking into surgery for 4 years now, and have finally given up working with our insurance company. We are self pay, and as a matter of fact, the loan we needed to have the surgery was just approved today! YIPPEE!! I have been addicted to the net and this website for months and am totally excited to finally be scheduling our surgeries! Good luck to you all and your upcoming surgeries!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 9, 2002
Count me in, too. I'm pre-op, and have surgery scheduled for January 15. I have all my pre-op testing scheduled and my meetings with the dietician scheduled and have my first this Saturday. Meanwhile, I spend at least a couple of hours most days on this site, soaking up qs & as, messages, profiles and more. I'm an obsessive type, and this is the obsession for the next two months, maybe for the next 10 years!<br> Enjoy learning, and good luck!
   — Beth S.

December 9, 2002
I look into this site every single nite. I am waiting for appointment with surgeon. Everything seems to take so long.Obsessed is definitely what we are.
   — Carol H.

December 9, 2002
I know..I know...I am on this site at least twice a day...looking at profiles, pictures,'s all I think about. I am awaiting insurance info..7 weeks no answer...and I am also obsessed. It's like I'm waiting to have this surgery so I can "begin my life". Pat
   — pat C.

December 9, 2002
I know what you all mean too. Ever since I found this sight, I have been obessed with it! I am in the process of waiting for a phone call from my doctor to see if he thinks (from the paperwork I filled out) I would be a candidate for the surgery. It has only been a week, but I am really getting impatient! I get on here every evening and read the new questions, hoping to learn even more. Thanks to everyone that has posted their stories; they sure are helpful. Good luck to everyone!
   — JoAnn A.

December 9, 2002
8 yrs and the miracle of it all has still not left me. I'm fascinated by every aspect of it!
   — vitalady

December 9, 2002
noooooooooo...I'm not obsessed...I just read everything I can get my hands on, good, bad and in between, until I actually dream about have an appointment for my consult on Jan 9... and it seems like FOREVER away...I'm on this site at LEAST twice a day, reading new posts, looking at pics, etc etc.... I'm glad I'm not alone
   — Bethy413

December 9, 2002
Hello.....I am the queen of obsession! My house is in shambles, my kids have been eating cup-o-noodles for weeks, and I have forgotten my husbands name. ok ok, the last one was a joke, but he can't stand to talk about it anymore. Which is a good thing, cause I find he is getting a lot of projects done around the house :P
   — badmaxxi

December 9, 2002
I had to check that it wasn't me that posted this question lol. I spend <i>HOURS</i> everyday going through this site and about 6 other message boards that I am a member of. I want to know <b>EVERYTHING</b>!!! When I can't be online, I'm talking to people - I think my friends and my bf are getting sick of my yapping - lol. Looks like I'm not alone. RNY 12/16/02 - 6 days to go!!
   — Toni C.

December 9, 2002
I feel the same, but just this weekend I was asking God to give me strength to really focus on something else. Because I really think I was/am driving myself crazy with this. I can not even make travel plans for next year because I tell all my friends that I have "an IMPORTANT issue that will be resolved and then I can move on from there" (haven't shared plans for surgery with others). I am going back in forth if I should register for classes next semester because what if I get a date in the middle of the semester? Will definetely drop classes, DEFINETELY!!! I'm turnig 30 next year in May and am/was supposed to do a cruise with friends but YUP that's on hold because what if my surgery is before cruise then I wouldn't be able to enjoy being on a ship with meals that last 24/7. So yes, I am obsessed but I want to stop for now, at least until I get approved then the craziness can begin all over again. And like others I am on this site morning, noon, and night. Vesta
   — vesta D.

December 10, 2002
Me Too, Me Too! My surgery date is December 17, 2002 (One Week) and my obsession is only getting WORSE. =D I have to Thank Everyone out there that has taken the time to ask questions and give advise. I am learning SO MUCH from all of you. NO question is a 'dumb' question. WE ALL HAVE THEM. <><
   — Raelynn W.

December 10, 2002
Me too! I am scheduled to see my surgeon on January 14, 2002 and then hopefully surgery sometime in March. It is driving me crazy. I come home from work everyday and sit down and read all the entries on this website.
   — C. Zibrowski

December 10, 2002
I'm another ME TOO! I spend every evening on the computer visiting this and my other six or seven regular sites. My husband used to "play" with the computer each evening, but he can't even get near it anymore. I have until the end of May or beginning of June before my work commitments ease enough so I can take the time off for surgery. I keep trying to convince myself that this will just allow me to get everything done ahead of time. But, I will probably have to rush at the end because I'm always reading another story or answering another email. His only time now is when I take off to meet someone at a group meeting! It is so nice to find people who can relate to my problems, trials and tribulations. We are like one gigantic family.
   — Karen G.

December 10, 2002
I am with all of you, obsessed!!!!!!!!!! I cannot get enough. Every night, get the kids in bed and on the puter I am. Reading everything I can get my hands on. Knowledge is power.
   — Pam W.

December 10, 2002
I'm so glad to hear I'm not alone in this obsession. lol I'm pre-op, going to my first support group tomorrow. First pre-op session too. Hub is still sorta grinning about it all right now BUT I know that will change. He will get tired of all the stories im sure. I use to chat in chat rooms for hours, they are all wondering where I am now!! I wish i could get with the flow of the chat room from this page but cant seem to do it yet. I love chatting and hearing about wls so im determined to get in the groove of the room!!!
   — TheresaC

December 10, 2002
I'm with ya! I spend so much time talking about it to my husband, his eyes glaze over when I start up again. (He's 5'7" and weighs 165lbs). He doesn't know what all the excitement is about!
   — Kimberly S.

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