Will being a severe asthmatic effect the outcome of WLS?

If a patient has poor lungfunctioning before WLS what are the chances of complications?    — Brooke B. (posted on November 21, 2002)

November 21, 2002
I'm a severe astmatic and I am almost two years post op. The biggest problem would be if you had trouble breathing during surgery. I have been on high doses of prednisone for years because of the severity of my asthma. However, once the anesthesiologist was made aware, he took special care to monitor my lung functions during surgery. My Lap RNY came off with NO problems whatsoever. I had no trouble breathing during the surgery or post op. There IS a greater risk during the surgery when you have poor lung function, but it does not really affect your chance for other complications. If you have some more specific questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Good luck! Maria
   — Maria H.

November 21, 2002
Ditto what last poster said! I have COPD and have been on c-pap 6 yrs and use a little O2 at night. Had lap rny 11 months ago - very good anesthesia dept - No problems and my medication cut down. I am 67 yrs old (Yeah) and am planning on some PS 12DEC. Keep the faith.
   — charlene M.

November 21, 2002
I have been asthmatic since I was 2 years old (now 39)...not a severe asthmatic, but bad requiring albuterol several times a day, and corticosteroid spray daily. I did receive nebulizer treatments the whole time in the hospital, and FAITHFULLY used my incentive spirometer, even post op for a few weeks. The good news is that now I only occasionally need my inhaler...maybe 1-2 a week, as opposed to several times daily pre-op!
   — MaryBeth R.

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