SLD or opening to intestines too large?

I am 10 months out...down 102 lbs, slow losing, but happy with progress, however...sometimes I feel like I have a SLD, some days I can eat more than others...after paying close attention to my eating I find that I am full with a normal portion of food(normal for WLS) BUT I am hungry again within the hour. I remember in the beginning when my pouch was still a little swollen, I would have the full feeling for 3-4 hours but now it only lasts maybe an hour...but if I eat again I cannot eat a full meal..Just a little of something.I am keeping an eye on it..I know it is grazing. My WL is slow, but I do not think this is the only reason for it, I am still trying to get the water/exercise thing consistantly. I just recenlty realized that it could be that the opening to the intestines is too large and the food is passing through too soon. Anyone have any input? Could this be it? My doctor won't consider a SLD because I am still losing...    — Patricia R. (posted on October 3, 2002)

October 3, 2002
Your like me, normal judging by friends who have had WLS. I got to goal but do get hungry and fight and loose the grazing battle some days. Now I make sure I make a good protein food choice then and only then have whatever I crave in small quanties...
   — bob-haller

October 3, 2002
I have the same story. I am 9 months out from rny- 98 pounds off and 35 to go. My surgeon sees that I am slowly losing so does not seem concerned. It is hard going now- I slacked off on the exercise and water - so back to the drawing board. Water helps a lot when I finally use it - wls was a real life saver for me- I am very grateful.
   — charlene M.

October 3, 2002
What are you eating? If you eat what I refer to as heavier proteins... turky.. chicken.. you might stay fuller longer... I sure do. If I drink water the way I should.. I don't need to eat.. I'm too busy drinking... you might try that. I know its not easy... good luck
   — Lisa C.

October 4, 2002
Patricia, I have often thought that the stoma opening into the intestines may be too big as sometimes I can eat far more than the 3 oz pouch! I know that some foods chew up differently and that you can fit more of the less dense foods in there, but sometimes, I doc suggested to me that I was filling up the esophagus leading to the new tummy and that was allowing me to get in a little more. You'd think that you'd feel if food was backing up, wouldn't you? I also do not chew as thoroughly as I did in the beginning and sometimes worry after I swallow that I should have chewed better, but it all seems to pass. Anyways, I have often thought my opening was a little larger than it should be...
   — Cindy R.

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