Is anyone out there still on liquids and want to eat really really bad?

HI. Michelle Job here. :) I am 2 1/2 weeks post op, open rny, on the liquids stage still and down 31 lbs. I have a total of 4 weeks liquids. I am so stressed about not being able to eat. I know a lot of it is head hunger, I don't feel hunger pains. I have an appetite feeling like I want to eat. I know my body is not used to going food free so my brain is not understanding why I am not eating and thus I am seriously getting upset that I can't eat. I cook for my family (which I enjoy so very much) and the smell is just agonizing. Sometimes I take a bite and chew it and spit it out just for the flavor of it. But that is not doing it for me. If you are suffering from the same thing, or already did and you have some advice please help. I do NOT regret the surgery at all, I'm just not knowing how to deal with this difficult stage. Thanks....    — Michelle J. (posted on August 29, 2002)

August 29, 2002
Well you shouldnt cheat! But if you do cheat responsibly. NO beef jerky! Soft pureed foods only. On day 6 of 10 days of clear liquids I had strained prego spaghetti sauce and no sugar added fudgesickles. Jen my wife during clear liquids had Pizza, very well chewed, cheese and sauce only. I am NOT advocating cheating, and really although liquids is tough its there to give our bodies time to heal. So give your body a chance, but if not then at least be responsible in VERY small quantites chewed to death. Some surgeons send their patients home from the hospial eating soft foods.
   — bob-haller

August 29, 2002
I feel your pain, honestly! lol I was on four weeks of sf CIB with skim milk after my surgery. It was sheer hell, lemme tell you. Especially bad because I was staying with my sister right after surgery and my first night home from the hospital, she ordered pizza!! Anyway, after a week on the CIB, I was in tears every time it came time to mix one of them up. :( I was lucky if I got in 1 1/2 or two of them a day...I was not a good patient. lol The only time I cheated was once, about three days after surgery, we were watching a movie and my sis was eating fritos (my ultimate FAVORITE junk food). I begged her for one, and basically licked the salt off of it. hehe I was terrified of eating it though...I just knew that I'd rip a hole in my pouch or some other horrible thing. lol I really doubt that would happen, but ya never know. Anyway, the only thing I can say is, please just hang in WILL get better. :-) Hugs, Emily Lap proximal RNY October 3, 2001 Start weight: 335 Current weight: 185
   — Emily W.

August 29, 2002
Hi, I'm pre-op but I'm on the skim milk diet to shrink my liver. Yup, skim milk three times a day (as much as I want to drink in 10 minutes), water, and vitamins. I can totally relate. My DH has been cooking for himself and basically eating by himself. I don't like this because we both enjoy mealtimes but it really is best for me. Maybe someone else could cook? Also, have you explored all the possible liquid foods? My nutritionist says that we can have yogurt (fat/sugar free) in the liquid stage and also soups that are strained. Frankly, right now I'd kill for a bowl of chicken boullion. It really is in your head; you only have 1 1/2 weeks your nutritionist, she may have some suggestions. Good luck and Wow, congratulations on your weight loss! Cheers,
   — Katherine M.

August 29, 2002
Hi Michele - I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I had to go 10 days on a clear liquid diet and then on to a 'full' liquid diet for the next two weeks to follow. Did I make it? Nope - I didn't. I didn't test the waters with anything hard though - I let a tip of a cracker melt in my mouth a little bit and I tasted a small spoon full of cottage cheese and chewed the heck out of it. I took a bite of mashed potatos (plain) once and it helped to take the edge off. I did the spitting out food deal as well - you know what really helped? Tomato soup or creme of soup of some sort. People were flipping out telling me the sugar content in the tomato soup was too high but the amount I was able to eat was slim to nothing and it didn't hurt me at all. I didn't cook for my family during the first month and my husband even made an agreement for the family to do non-cooking stuff during that time. If they wanted hot meals, they went out so I wouldn't have to smell was too much at times. Believe me, you're stomach needs to be healing for the time period they've asked but some things are honestly okay. I know I'm probably going to get hammered for saying so but I've known quite a few people who left the hospital eating soft foods. It all depends on the doctors - one had a taste of scrambled eggs while another had a small piece of toast by the 5th day after surgery. I wouldn't suggest that because it seems rather hard and bread expands in us anyway but I don't see how a bite or two of something soft can hurt you but please, don't take my advise - I'm simply stating how it was for me. My surgery was on the 9th of April and I'm down about 100 lbs. - I think I'm over it but I don't weigh often so can't be positive. You're stomach will absolutely instruct you in what is okay and what isn't okay - at least that's how it's been for me. Good luck to you and feel free to write me at [email protected] - I check it more often than the [email protected] that is attached to this name. Good luck w/it all.
   — Lisa J.

August 30, 2002
hiya i know exactly how you feel, at my 2 week checkup i told my doc i wanted a head of lettuce just so i could chew!! lol then i told her of my craving to have an egg, one piece of toast and avocado, she laughed saying there's no way you can eat that much for quite awhile. however shortly after that appt i started throwing up my protein drinks and i tried a bunch of different brands so she let me move onto soft foods. i was able to eat: applesauce, yogurt, tuna blended well with little mayo, canned chicken blended well with little mayo, string cheese, mashed potato, soups (with soft soft veggies in it), cream of wheat, malt o meal, oatmeal (very thin oatmeal), sugar free jello, sugar free can also chew on ice cubes or frozen crystal light, and chewable vitamins...there are some lemon/lime flavored ice at some stores (got mine at vons) or my hubby would make them with fresh squeezed lemons and limes,i'd check with your surgeon before starting any solids... i have a friend who would chew up potato chips for the taste but spit them out! i chewed up watermelon then spit it out. make sure you keep up on your protein drinks tho -- very very important! good luck kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal weight: 135lbs current weight: 130lbs
   — jkb

August 30, 2002
I am now 9 weeks postop and I tolerate everything. I remember at 2 weeks post I wanted to chew and and something besides liquids. I added a few (4-6) goldfish crackers to my tomato soup and it satisfied me. Try 1-2 first and CHEW CHEW CHEW. I still remember my first crunch :-) Hope this helped!
   — Courtney S.

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