What happens during your consultation?

I already have my surgery scheduled for August 26th but I don't have my consultion until July 25. Is there anything I need to know or do before I go to this? What exactly happens during this? Will it decide whether or not they will allow me to have the surgery even though my insurance has approved it? Any hints would be greatly appreciated.    — Jennifer V. (posted on July 5, 2002)

July 5, 2002
I am amazed that you're already approved and haven't had your consultation yet. I am assuming that you are speaking of the initial consultation with the surgeon? I went to my surgeon's office with a printed sheet outlining all the attempts made at losing, and all the rebound weight gains over the last 25 years. It was amazing to put pen to paper and for him (and me) to see in writing the history of my struggles. In addition, I shared with him the problems I was having (urinary stress incontinence, painful joints, chronic fatigue, shortness of breath on exertion, decreased socialization and increased isolation, depression). I did not have co-morbidities in the usual sense, so I believed that it was important to describe how my excess weight was affecting me overall. I also expressed that I had been researching WLS for almost two years, and that I was now ready to make a committment to the lifestyle required post-op. I hope that some of these things are helpful to you. Good luck and keep us posted.
   — Ann B.

July 8, 2002
As the previous poster said, list your complaints (co-morbids), your diet history and write down any and all questions you have about the precedure you are interested in having. Also have your PCP (your regular doctor) send in a copy of your medical records. If you see an ob/gyn or any other specialist have them send in copies too. Mostly the surgeon will do a brief exam, go over your questions and concerns, explain what (s)he thinks would be best for you and why...and schedule any testing (s)he wants done. Best of luck to you and congrats on such a great insurance company!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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