For the ladies please...

Has anyone had a issue with a clear vaginal discharge? Kinda like mucus. It is not time for my period, there is no odor. Sometime it is tinged a bit, like I am getting ready to start. RNY, distal sept 14th -109 #'s Thanks.    — Marie A. (posted on May 17, 2002)

May 16, 2002
It really sounds like what happens to me during's totally normal, but see your doc if you're worried!
   — Carrie W.

May 17, 2002
Marie, this is your angel here! You should've emailed me...I would've told you this happens to me too!
   — Kristin R.

May 17, 2002
Hi! This used to happen to me all the time, at about the middle of my cycle. Ever since I went on the pill, it didn't occur. However, I have since stopped the pill and am wondering if it will happen again. I don't think you have anything to worry about, esp. with no odor. :)
   — Maggie C.

May 17, 2002
Yes, this is normal. Just like my period, it is like clock-work. During my more 'fertile' years, it was heavy enough to wear a tampon. And I did. But now it isn't as heavy. From what I have read in medical journals is that it is normal to always have a discharge. From the end of a period it is very 'scant' to mid-cycle becoming thinner and more opaque. You are probably getting back to a normal state after losing much of your excess.
   — Cheri M.

May 17, 2002
Hey, don't worry. This is normal mid-cycle and indicates that you are ovulating, which you may be doing more of now without the excess weight. Nature makes the discharge to help the little swimmers (sperm) get to their goal (the egg). Be sure you're using birth control if you need it!
   — Susan B.

May 17, 2002
I am 3 weeks post op and I got my period the day I was in the hospital, however, this week I started with the same type of discharge and WA LA my friend is back in full force. You may be getting your period early. I hear alot of women say that their cycles are a little messed up for the first couple of months.
   — pam29922

May 17, 2002
It's actually termed Cervical Mucus..... completely normal!
   — Karen R.

May 17, 2002
Thanks to you all.It does happen in mid cycle too, so I feel much better! ...
   — Marie A.

May 21, 2002
before I had WLS I was undergoing fertility treatment (did not work) and was told that the mucas was a sign that I was ovulating and to keep an eye out for it. hope this helps.
   — Heidi B.

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