My sister is 9 months out and pregnant!

My sister is nine months out (R&Y, lap), and she recently found out she is pregnant. She is very happy; however, she does have concerns about making sure the baby gets what it needs nutrionally, etc. I think she is scared she will not lose anymore weight, and she is not down to where she wants to be. Has anyone losed weight and had a healthy bundle of joy? Anyone out there could provide some of their experiences, and advice? I am sure she would appreciate it.    — sheron H. (posted on April 7, 2002)

April 7, 2002
I didn't have the surgery but with my daughter I lost 50 pounds while pregnant. I had a 8lb 12oz baby. The thing she has to worry about is the calcium. Especially if she breast feds. You bones will give up calcium to make sure your baby has it. This will make your own bones brittle especially when you are older. They make prenates w/calcium in them. Her Dr. can be a great help too. Even if she doesn't lose any weight while pregnant and gains a normal amount I wouldn't worry. Afterward she can get back into shape. The main concern is making sure nothing is wrong with the baby. Everyone is different and she may cruise along fine.
   — Rebecca K.

April 12, 2002
Hi, I work with a girl who got pregnant 8mos out and she has recently delivered a healthy girl. The baby was early and she was taken out on bed rest 6 weeks early due to the baby being so small. She was told to eat more protein to get the baby healthy. The baby was small but is beautiful now and growing, she is now 6 weeks old.
   — Shannon A.

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