Do We get high Cholesterol from eating so much protein?

I am 6 weeks out and I noticed that my diet consists of alot of meat, cheeses, milk and eggs-all foods that contribute to high cholesterol. Anyone know if WLS people are prone to high cholesterol months down the road?    — Cindy R. (posted on March 21, 2002)

March 21, 2002
I feel as long as we choose the leanest type of meats they should not be that high in cholesterol. Iam eating top sirlion as my hamburger meat and its 95% lean and 5%fat. Regular bacon to me is not a good choice but turkey bacon might be better. I have always been a meat eater and never had high cholesterol. Prior to surgery, my cholesterol was amazingly low 99!!!! So I must have been doing something right!!! So if my cholesterol was fine before and it should be fine now and for life. Take Care.....
   — Laura G.

March 21, 2002
According to some research, a high protien diet will actually lower your cholesterol even though you are consuming more. The reason is that most of the cholesterol in your blood is manufactured by your body. That is why you can eat right and still have high cholesterol. Diets high in carbohydrates can cause your body to produce more cholesterol. Diets high in protein don't. If you want a more scientific explanation, try reading Protein Power (Drs. Eades). My own cholesterol went from 230 or so to 144. And I eat LOTS of meat and cheese.
   — ctyst

March 21, 2002
I don't have any studies to site, but I have my own history. My family has a history of heart disease, so my cholestrol levels are something that I try to keep an eye on. During the mid 90's I followed a strict vegan (McDougall) diet for over a year. I lost over 100 pounds and was (briefly!)at the weight I am at now (9 months post DS surgery). My cholestrol after 1 year of being vegan was 188, and my LDL/HDL ratio put me in the above average risk for heart disease. Just prior to surgery my cholestrol was 237 with an above average risk for heart disease. Since surgery I have been getting my protein mainly from meat, chicken, fish and dairy. I have also eaten a lot of shellfish which is high in cholestrol. For my 6 month labs my cholestrol came back at 176 wiht a LDL/HDL ratio in the average range. In my case the vegan diet was not as effective as the surgery has been in controlling my cholestrol, and good vs. bad cholestrol raito. If you want more spcific information please e-mail me anytime. Till later... Alejandra Garman GR/DS 6-22-01 307//189
   — rkndna

March 21, 2002
Increased protein itself cannot scientifically increase your cholesterol. However, those high protein foods many times contain high cholesterol.....some meats, eggs, cheese. There are other ways you can get the protein in without the cholesterol like beans and legumes and also try "EggBeaters". I think they test just like eggs but without the cholesterol!
   — emilyfink

March 21, 2002
RNY & DS malabsorb a good deal of fats/oils. So, just as you malabsorb food proteins, so you lose the fats/oils AND the nutrients they once provided (A, D & E). If you supplement your protein, or at least part of it, with a good quality protein supplement, you eliminate the possiblity of OD'ing on fats that can possibly turn in your cholesterol.
   — vitalady

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