Any vegetarians become meat eaters post op?
I have been a vegetarian for 9 years. I am very very proud of that because it's pretty much the only thing I have had willpower for in my life. I am getting very bored of my cheese and crackers, gardenburgers of many varieties, mashed potatoes. I went shopping at Costco today with a friend and he bought these frozen baked chicken "pockets" that had 31 grams of protein, like 5 grams of fat, and I think 3 carbs a serving! It's kind of difficult to find something to eat when we eat out, and I usually end up getting something cheese based. I know that cheese isn't the best for me, because I gained a lot of weight eating a lot of cheese in these past nine years. I was thinking that some sort of chicken dish would be better for me. My vegetarianism comes purely from a gross out factor. No morals or ethics involved. It just grosses me out. I ate meat up until my early teenage years and loved it, I still miss it but something inside me "clicked" many years ago and I haven't eaten it since. I think that the main thing holding me back from just eating chicken is that I have gone without for so long, and I am so proud that I was able to do that. Has anyone gone back to eating meat post-op? Did it make you feel sick at first? Was it worth it? Thanks in advance. — Nichole B. (posted on March 20, 2002)
March 20, 2002
Congratulations on having been a vegetarian for so long! I am curious as to
why you are so interested in attempting chicken after so many years
meat-free. There are so many delicious soy based products out there, loaded
with protein, it shouldn't come down to you having to abandon your vegetarianism now. You did mention
Gardenburgers, but have you tried some of the products made by Boca? They
have soy "chicken" in many varieties. Another good one to try is
Veat brand. I have heard of some people taking soy products with them to
restaurants and having no problems with the chef preparing it in a dish in
place of the meat. Best of luck to you!
— Samantha S.
March 25, 2002
I have been a vegetarian for many
years as well. Many years ago, I tried to give up meat and suceeded in not
eating it for almost a year. Then I ate a McDonalds hambuger and was SICK
AS A DOG. I guess our stomachs don't know what to do with the stuff after
not seeing it for so long. If you really want to eat meat again, I would
strongly advise that you go very very slowly and gradually introduce small
amounnts back into your diet. But I agree with the previous poster that
there are SO many great soy-based "meats" around now, you might
want to stick with the vegetarianism!
— Susan B.
May 14, 2002
Congrats on being a vegetarian for 9
years! As the previous poster suggested, there are ~so~ many protein
sources for us vegans and vegetarians out there, that's there's
really no reason to go back to meat in order to get your protein. Since
you're bored with the things you've been eating, I'd suggest getting a
couple vegan/vegetarian cookbooks
and try out some new recipes. You can get tons of protein from beans and
soy, as well as additional protein from other sources as well. Not to
mention the fact every time you refrain from eating meat, you're saving the
life of a sweet cow, pig or chicken. The emotional aspect of that feels
awesome, and plus your body feels so good and clean without all that fatty
meat sitting in your tummy. There are even some great recipes for desserts
that taste good and are good for you can't beat that. :)
— Wendy P.
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