Vioxx or Celebrex?

Hello, I am 3 days from lap RNY surgery, and need some advice on vioxx, which I have taken for over a year for low back pain. It works wonderfully, and I don't want to give it up post-op. I've seen postings where some doctors allow it and others don't. Most seem OK with celebrex, do we find out the truth, and why do docs differ so much? Cindy    — Cindy R. (posted on February 5, 2002)

February 5, 2002
I've had two respected WLS surgeons tell me that either are o.k. I'm 15 months post op and have been alternating between Vioxx and Celebrex for arthritis and pleurisy since immediately after surgery with no problems at all. Good Luck to you!
   — ronascott

February 5, 2002
I can still take Vioxx with no problems.
   — Danmark

February 5, 2002
I took Celebrex for years and one day when I ran out, my neighbor gave me a Vioxx which I know I shouldn't have taken but I did. I took it the next morning and broke out in hives all over and had to take Benedryl. Scary! Anyway, post-op I still have a prescription of Celebrex on the shelf but never take it. It's one of the meds I took myself off of right away -- one in a goal of four to get off of, and three to go. My next goal is to get off my b.p. and cholesterol meds, and then gragually, the zanex. My goal when I real my goal weight is to be completely free from prescription meds. The Celebrex is there if I need it, but I'm doing okay w/o taking it. Best wishes to you.
   — blank first name B.

February 5, 2002
I haven't had surgery yet and haven't heard any opinion on it - but my personal experience taking both. Celebrex is extremely hard on your stomach after prolonged used. I took it for about 18mos. and then my stomach started to burn whenever I took it no matter how much food I ate with it. I have taken Vioxx for almost a yr and have not had any problems with it. I would ask your doctors opinion and as far as the person that broke out, I was curious if u ever try it before surgery without breaking out. Again I am not an expert on how it is after surgery just thought I would give u my experiences to date with both drugs :)
   — Angi W.

February 5, 2002
I am 8 weeks post-op. I take Vioxx w/ NO problem. However, I don't take it daily, only when i need it.
   — Cindee A.

February 5, 2002
6 weeks of Celebrex cost me 4 MONTHS of recovery with various meds. I've had two freinds have NO pain with Vioxx, but life-threatening gastric bleed. I have one pouch, one chance. I'm not willing to risk it with either med, even though I have osteo-arthritis. I use Plaquenil for my joints and it is quite helpful to restore mobility. It is Rx, and I need to have my eyes checked more often than usual, but it is not a pouch burner.
   — vitalady

February 6, 2002
I agree with Michele. My Dad died from ulcer complications from Vioxx.
   — ZZ S.

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