What is a restaurant card?

I've recently read about restaurant cards. What are they, how do they work, and how do I get one?    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 28, 2002)

January 28, 2002
They are cards to carry with you from your surgeon that say you have had the gastric bypass and that your stomach is reduced and can the restraunt let you order a smaller portion or off the kids menu. I got mine at our support group meeting from the surgeon. I remember seeing a webstie where you could also get one but sorry i don't remember where i saw it.
   — [Anonymous]

January 28, 2002
I got a restaurant card frommy dr., I also got one from my support group, they laminated it, I do not use it a whole lot, because I like to have leftovers at home as I am single. I do use the restaurant card at buffets though. They will usually charge you a childs plate. My parents like to go to buffets, so sometimes i tag along with them.
   — [Anonymous]

June 21, 2002
Here is the webpage with one of the cards..
   — Kathi D.

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