Images keeps contacting me with surgical surgical specials. What's the catch?

How does Images work and how do they make their money? I just got an offer to register with them before Dec. 31 and they will pay airfare, lodging and ground transportation in a limousine! What is the catch???    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 15, 2001)

December 15, 2001
Seems a little too flashy for me. I would look up the surgeon they keep boasting about - David Hall. See if he has any lawsuits pending, etc.. The way they make their money is they charge your insurance more for the procedure. Chances are, if your insurance doesn't pay the entire bill, you are left to foot it. Like mom always said... if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
   — Goldilauxx B.

December 15, 2001
i also just deleted that same email from images. first of all i want to say that i had 'applied' to them for my surgery 6 mos ago & they immediately turned me down saying that their experience with my insurance wouldnt cover it. HA!!!! right then & there i knew they had no clue as to what they were doing! not only does my bc cover it, but, they approved my surgery with dr newhoff in less than 48 hours. of course now i am very glad i didnt waste the time & money to go for a consult (if they had taken me) because i truly feel that ANYONE who has to send out mass emails to drum up business must be pretty desperate. especially when they offer all those very expensive 'freebies'. i always say go with ur instincts. freebies???? there is NO FREE LUNCH!!! there has to be a catch somewhere but im not interested enuf to find out.
   — sheryl titone

December 15, 2001
I've also received quite a few e-mails from Images. I just delete them.
   — Vanessa L.

December 15, 2001
I believe that it's just their marketing technique. would be a great tool for a bariatric clinic to get marketing information. And in fact many do, and many advertise on this site. I'm sure they pay for it too. (I don't think this website is owned by a large company with infinite funds to support itself.) Anyways, like it or not, as more Americans realize that they too are obese, more bariatric clinics will find new ways to sell their wares and advertise to their audience. I think that Images is trying to make itself stand out from the crowd just like any other business. I have researched Dr. Hall and Highland Medical Center and they check out.
   — Carolynn J.

December 19, 2001
I live in the Texas Panhandle, a couple of hours from this Images place, and tried to apply to their program. They denied me flat out because my Insurance doesn't reimburse them enough. Plus in speaking with some of their patients, your pre-ops are not done with just you and the dr., you are herded in like cattle and there is no privacy. I don't know from firsthand experience, but I am glad I didn't have to find out. I am too, getting these e-mails from them where it appears they need to drum up some new business.
   — KLandrum

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