Calling all diet cola drinkers

I am 8.5 months out, Lap R&Y. Lately, I have been really wanting something other than tea and water. I really don't care for the flavored waters or Crystal light products. My husband and I were recently on a plane and I accepted a very small cup of diet coke. I have only taken two or three small sips of any cola since surgery. It didn't bother me, and it tasted pretty good. I have heard that people who stay away from cola's (diet and regular) have a much better chance of maintaining their weight after the weight loss slows. Has anyone had trouble from drinking cola products? I don't think I want to drink them everyday; however, once or twice a week would be a nice treat. Any direction is appreciated. Oh yes, I have lost 127 LBS. :)    — sheron H. (posted on November 28, 2001)

November 28, 2001
Congrats on the weight loss. That is great. I drink mostly tea and water but once or twice a week I will have a glass of diet soda. I am about 9 months pre-op and have been doing this about 2 months. I do put alot of ice in the soda so it gets watered down a little because otherwise the carbonation bothers me.
   — Tracy C.

November 28, 2001
Carbonation is no problem if you put some sort of sugar substitute in a diet pop. It takes half or more of the bubbles out. (It tastes sweeter too). I prefer Splenda. I too have a diet pop occassionaly but don't live on it. Funny all I've lived on since I was four years old is regular pop (no water) but I really don't miss it now. :)
   — Danmark

November 28, 2001
I use only fountain drinks because cans or bottles make me uncomfortable. HOWEVER, that does not mean that carbonation is safe. Caffeine & carbonation do mess with calcium absorption, so over the long term, they're listed with alcohol & smoking as high risk factors for osteoporosis. Since we are already so very prone to it, my gosh, if you are OFF carbonation now, don't start again! I wish I never had. Although it doesn't "hurt" to drink it, phyiscally, it is still creating a barrier between my bones and the calcium I try so desperately to put in there.
   — vitalady

November 28, 2001
I couldn't live without my daily diet coke. I abstained for the first 6 or 8 months. But, I have a can every day now. I really love the new Lemon Diet Coke. I admit it does make me gassy...very gassy...ok....I fart like hell! But have to have some vices....
   — [Anonymous]

November 28, 2001
I had no idea people were obstaining from even diet colas! I've had about one cup of diet soda at least every other day (i.e., dr. pepper, ginger ale, 7up, root beer, pepsi, coke) since I was a few weeks post-op. It hasn't bothered me--even with carbonation. I have not tried any regular sodas--that I know I will never try---but my diet sodas haven't hindered my weight loss. I hope it doesn't hinder my maintenance when I get to my goal :0)
   — Kristin R.

November 28, 2001
Hi, I am 4 months out, have lost over 100 lbs and I drink diet coke, at least half of one each day. I let it sit out or I pour it over ice and I'm able to drink it. If I get a fountain drink, I can drink the whole thing without any discomfort. I gave up the soda's for three months, and then broke down.. I've been drinking soda since I was a kid. I used to drink a 12 pack a day, now one does it for me the whole day. Some peple are animate about not drinking soda's but as for me, they have not hindered my weight loss. Congrat's on the great loss!!!
   — [Anonymous]

November 28, 2001
I'm with the one anonymous post... I too LOVE the new Diet Lemon Coke. I especially like to put a no sugar/fat vanilla ice cream (and Splenda) in it. I hardly know it's diet and it goes down so "smooth". Ahhhh, I can taste it now. Time to get up and get one. ;)
   — Danmark

November 28, 2001
I, too, congratulate you on your weight loss. I drink Diet Pepsi. My surgeon has no problem with this; he suggests making sure that it's "flat" and suggests flattening it by pouring the contents into a bowl or glass jar, then using a Braun hand blender--it works!
   — CaseyinLA

November 28, 2001
I was told that the carbonation expands your pouch and that is why we should let it go flat. Other then that my doctor said I could have a flat diet cola once in a while.
   — Kelly C.

November 28, 2001
I've heard a lot of doctors say that the pouch stretching is not true. I open a can of soda in the morning and drink it (SLOWLY) in the afternoon after the fizz is gone. You can also put it in a glass with a LOT of ice and the water will cut the fizz quickly. I love Diet Coke w/Lemon, but make sure to also get in my water, tea, etc., each day.
   — PT LawMom

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