Does age affect hair loss?
If you are very young (late teens even) and kept up with protien intake and such, would hair loss be a big issue? I have really long hair that I love so much. I don't really want to give it up but if that's what it means then I guess I don't have a choice. Also, have any of you cut your hair short before the surgery so you wouldn't have to watch your hair fall out? — [Anonymous] (posted on November 12, 2001)
November 11, 2001
I hear ya! My hair is very long also. I look forward to when I lose weight
and can actually feel attractive with my long locks. There is also a girl
in my support group with long hair. She was losing hair and was very
concerned about it. Everyone told her it was only temporary.I am still pre
op but I think the hair loss issue is different with each
person........just like the rate of weightloss varies person to person.
From what I have read and heard, your hair might thin out some but you
aren't going to go bald. It does grow back and the hairloss is only
temporary. Some people say that it helps tremendously to get your protein
in. Some people don't even lose hair. I guess it's kinda a wait and see
situation. Personally, I would never cut MY hair. I'll just deal with it
being thin for a while. Good Luck!
— Kim B.
November 11, 2001
I am 26 and have long hair as well. I am now about 5 1/2 mths post op and
have been dealing with hair loss since about 4 mths post op. For me I think
it is huge hair loss BUT other people havent noticed it at all in its
appearance. I think the way I would describe it is less manageable and less
volum/body. Now I also had very thick hair to begin with so if I hadve
started with thin fine hair I might be thinking a little different. Now the
hair loss is slowing down a bit. I think before you cut your hair
short(unless this is something you wanted to do before) I would wait and
see how bad it is. Anyways if you have read all this thanks...this is 7 am
mumble jumble!!!!
— tn683
November 12, 2001
Might I suggest....
If you are not opposed to cutting oyur hair before surgery, that you do it
while it is still thick and then donate it to locks of love. They are a
wonderful organization that makes wigs for kids with cancer and alopecia
(they can't grow hair at all)... here's the addy:
— [Anonymous]
November 12, 2001
I started with thick shoulder-length hair. Now that I have lost weight--and
hair--I have thinner chin-length hair. My decision to cut my hair had more
to do with my weight loss than with my hair loss, but I did notice that my
hair looked fuller after it was cut. I guess the weight of it was pulling
it down. No one but me ever noticed my hair loss. If you love your hair, I
wouldn't cut it, but just remember that if you lose 50 strands of chin
length hair it looks like a whole lot less than 50 strands of really long
hair. Be prepared for the panic when you shampoo and come away with a
handful of hair and remember that it looks like more because it is so long!
— ctyst
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