Is a person at higher risk for gout after WLS?

   — Kathy A. (posted on August 15, 2001)

August 15, 2001
I wondered this also. Years ago on a high protein diet I had gout and I wondered if I would get it again with the RNY. I'm 15 mo post op and have had no problems.
   — Rose A.

August 15, 2001
Kathy - I had gout the day of my surgery on July 9. I took colchicine for about a week and it seemed to get better. Then it came back during the past two weeks and has been the worse case I have ever had in my life. The doc did a uric acid level and it was extremely high, so started me on 600 mg of allopurine a day. That sort of helped, but it still was not getting rid of it or lowering my uric acid level, so he started anti-inflammatory drugs that chewed up my stomach, so I quit taking them. My whole left foot was swollen, red and hot to touch and it started going up my ankle and into my calf. I was miserable and could not walk - this has been during the past 3 days. My mom, who is a retired RN suggested that I put this lotion on it called Tennis Elbow. She has horrible arthritis and uses it all the time. By the next day the swelling had gone down, but was not completely gone and the redness and heat had gone back to just the big toe joint area and not my whole foot. It was now only pink and not red. I was able to walk on it again - with a limp - but at least walk! I have continued to use the Tennis Elbow lotion and the gout is now gone! My doctor said I was nuts. I told him to think what he wanted, but it was MY FOOT and it didn't hurt any more!!!!! Hope you don't go thru the same ordeal!
   — gina P.

August 15, 2001
I don't have an answer as to whether or not your chnaces of getting gout go up after WLS, but I do know of a simple and inexpensive way to help reduce the effects of gout. I had gout several yeards ago and my Doctor suggested that I try drinking cherry juice. There is something in cherry juice that helps the body break down the cystals that form in the joints when you have gout. I know this is an old wives tale or a home remedy, but it worked for me and when my Dad had gout, I told him about the cherry juice and it worked for him as well. I don't know whether you can tolerate cherry juice after WLS, but I would think that if you made sure there wasn't any surgar added in the brand you choose and then maybe if you watered it down it would work just the same. Of maybe you could skin and eat cherries at least when they are season.
   — Susan M.

August 15, 2001
My gout has been the worse it's ever been since the surgery! So has my neck injury of 1982. Seems the bypass has made my old injuries REALLY painful.
   — Danmark

January 3, 2004
Lord a mercy, I thought I was the only person in the world with this problem. I had my GBP surgery 10/03 and it went well, went home. Within a week of being home, my gout returned with a vengance beyond any I have ever had in 20 plus years. I became immoblized, ended up back in the hospital, had to have painfull Inpatient and Outpaitent therapy to regain use of legs. Still have a ways to go (gout in both ankles, elbow, etc) I am pleased with the results of my surgery BUT, if I had known I would have such problems due to gout I'd never done it. If YOU, dear reader, find this somehow, heed my warning.... if you are thinking about the surgery and you've had gout or a history of it in your family.... THINK long and hard on going forward. If i can save even one person the misery I've been through in the last 3 months (most of it inpatient) I'll be happy.
   — David T.

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