Can wt loss after surgery improve nonspecific allergy problems?

I never had any allergy problems until about 18 mo ago. I developed a severe swelling of the throat, mouth and face in general. After almost weekly trips to the ER, I finally got in to see an allergy specialist. After many tests, they still don't know what the allergy is to - perhaps related to a past illness or stress(?). So I am on several kinds of daily maintainence drugs (so glad i have insurance). I felt (perhaps being paranoid) that he may have thought it was due to my obesity - that's what every problem boils down too with drs- right? I am hoping to have WLS in the next 6 mo. and wonder if any WLS patients might have had stress-related allergies that went away after they lost weight?    — 123456 (posted on July 27, 2001)

July 27, 2001
Terri, the more reading I do the more I am thinking that all disease is related to our immune systemn. In answer to your question it seems to me if after surgery you are eating better and exercising more your immune system will be better off and thus your allergies might improve. this is just an assumption but wouldn't it be nice. good luck,
   — [Anonymous]

August 26, 2001
Hi-sure sounds like what happened with my latex allergy. I was tested and the test came back negative which prevented us from finding out for 2 months what the problem was. I was all set up to go to a Specialist's Specialist when on my own I stopped using latex gloves and the problem resolved. Interestingly enough, since my surgery 1 month ago, I have had no sign of the return of my seasonal allergies that I have suffered with for years. So, I don't know what the connection has been with the surgery and allergies..just that I have experienced relief.
   — Marie K.

August 26, 2001
My seasonal allergies have all but disappeared since my WLS. Used to be that I couldn't even walk past a lawn that had been mowed, I would close up and have trouble breathing. Now, I mow my own yard! I have no problems even when the grass blows into my face. Whether or not it's related to my WLS, I'm grateful to have relief from my constant stuffy head!
   — BethVBG

August 13, 2002
I always breathed out of my mouth but since my surgery I've been diagnosied with asthma...... Go figure. now I have problems breathing on a daily basices
   — Angela G.

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