I am having surgery on Tuesday, April 17th, ...will I be recovered well enough to be

able to enjoy my daughter's wedding on June 2nd? I know that I won't be eating the food there, I'm not worried about that, I think it's just being ablr to be a smiling mom without feeling exhausted or in pain is what concerns me.    — cheryl F. (posted on April 12, 2001)

April 12, 2001
Right now I'm 13 days post op and I went back to a desk job 3 days ago. I am MORE than confident that by June I will be able to attend a wedding also. I feel like everyone else that answers you will tell you the same thing! Good luck!
   — Yvonne McCarthy

April 12, 2001
My open RNY was March 21.I am driving,going to the mall,doing everything I did before surgery.I can wear jeans and pants without discomfort.I know everyone heals at their own pace but you could do it too!!!
   — Carol F.

April 12, 2001
I agree with everyone else that posted that by then you should be able to enjoy the wedding. I would just like to play devil's advocate a little.. What if there are complications that require a longer hospitalization or something else like tubes or drains? My mother had her gall bladder removed 10 days before my wedding. I was a wreck!!! All of those motherly things that she was supposed to be doing, she couldn't. They were left to me and I was really nervous. She put on a smiling face, but it was obvious in the photos that she was not herself. While your surgery is much further removed from your daughter's wedding, remember, your daughter may be nervous and concerned about those important last-minute mother of the bride duties. I believe that you will do absolutely fine and the timing will work out. I just wanted to give you something to think about.
   — [Anonymous]

April 14, 2001
You may be able to enjoy the food at the wedding more than you think right now. Best wishes
   — KG B.

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