
In 1972 i had my appendix removed and woke up vomiting. At that time they that it was normal. In 1983 i had my tonsels removed and woke up vomiting. At that time they also said it was normal! About a year ago, i was talking to my doctor about a E.C.T., and she told me that i will wake up vomiting, but said SOME people dont. What about now? Have i been getting bad gas, or just dont react well to these gases?    — [Anonymous] (posted on April 11, 2001)

April 10, 2001
My anesthesiologist put something in my IV for nausea about an hour prior to surgery and I was fine! Ask for it if you have a history of getting sick.
   — Lisa B.

April 11, 2001
Make sure the anestheologist knows about your previous history. They should be able to give you medications to prevent this from happening again.
   — georgiacarol

April 11, 2001
I have had three surgeries in the past eight years. One minor, two major. The minor one was in September for a laparoscopic diagnosis of fibroids and a D&C. I was under for only an hour and threw up. I threw up the first time I had surgery. The last one in January, to remove the fibroids, I made certain to tell the anesthesiologist and anyone else who would listen. Because I did, they gave me two or three different meds to keep me from getting sick. They worked! If I remember correctly one was a liquid to coat the inside of my stomach and then a pill? I am really fuzzy about it, at that time they had already done my i.v. and given me Verced to relax me. After having that you are in la la land! Be sure to tell anyone involved with your surgery and you probably won't get sick. I know when I have my wls I will be telling everyone I can. Good luck and I hope they find something that will work for you.
   — Diana M.

April 11, 2001
I, too, have a long surgical history (been put to sleep 16 times), and I was always nauseous when waking up. After they began putting anti-nausea medicines in the I.V. pre-op, I stopped throwing up, but still felt queasy. I am happy to report that my open RNY, 13 days ago, was the only surgery I haven't felt even a little bit nauseous after! My first thought when I woke up in the recovery room was, "wow, I don't feel like throwing up!" I know everyone hasn't been this lucky, but it IS possible. Good luck!
   — lpsrabbit

April 11, 2001
The medicine everyone is referring to for nausea in most cases is Phenergan and it works wonders! With my VBG I did not have it and woke dry heaving. I demanded Phenergan immediately and kept a steady stream of it in me every 4 hours until I was discharged. With my RNY last year they gave me Phenergan before the anesthesia and when I woke up in ICU I still vomited but it was because my NG tube kept getting clogged. I was throwing up blood but wasn't too nauseated, it was more like spitting up and then I'd be fine. Although I hated seeing my newlywed husband see me doing this it wasn't too bad. Ask for Phenergan in your IV prior to surgery and ask you surgeon to write an order for it every 4 hours for at least the first couple of days. Good luck!
   — Kellye C.

February 4, 2005
This is an old question but I just had to answer it - boy has anesthesia changed!!! I had surgery in the mid- 90's (just a D & C) and woke up absolutely miserably. There was no pain from the sugery but I remember thinking I felt like I'd been in a war and my side hadn't done too well. Major nausea and a general feeling of just not feeling right. After my Open RNY in Feb 3003 I woke up once in the recovery room and remember thinking "this isn't half bad". My nausea and pain were very well controlled - in fact when they had me get up 6 hours post-op I was actually glad to get out of bed!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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