Has anyone had a vagotomy?

I am faced with the possibility of having a vagotomy. If you've experienced this let me know. What are the side effects?    — Bridgette C. (posted on April 3, 2001)

April 3, 2001
I had a vagotomy along with my RNY. My surgeon does this on all his patients. It reduced the chances of us getting an ulcer in the 'old' stomach from about a 21% chance to only a 1% chance. It greatly reduces the production of stomach acid in the old stomach. I think you should definitely get one. I don't know of any negative side effects at all. I'll be a year postop on 4/4/01.
   — Cindy H.

April 3, 2001
Bridgette, I was upset to see this post. Here is what I found regarding a vagotomy: Please email me and let me know what is going on with you. I am thinking of you,
   — [Deactivated Member]

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